pdf's in a CD not read

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Skinker
  • Start date Start date

Tom Skinker

I have a car repair manual on CD. When I get to the actual
pages of the manual, the pdf's will not open. The
Introduction to the CD works fine. When I "open" the
individual pages from the individual files outside of
the "AutoPlay", the pages open fine.
The CD works as it should on 2 other W2K machines and 1
W98 machine.
What is wrong with my W2K settings? I have SP4, IE6, and
all Updates are current.
Tom Skinker said:
I have a car repair manual on CD. When I get to the actual
pages of the manual, the pdf's will not open.

Do you get an error message? If so, what is it?
Introduction to the CD works fine. When I "open" the
individual pages from the individual files outside of
the "AutoPlay", the pages open fine.

Let me guess... when the CD autoplays, the "menus" come up in Internet
Explorer. If so perhaps the Adobe reader plug-in for IE is coming to grief.
Can you "browse" pdf files from the web on the offending system?