Word PDF to Word (or similar)


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Is there an easy way to copy and paste parts of a PDF file over to Word or something similar?

There is a Select Text Tool but I can't get it to actually select anything to copy. I'm sure it must be something very straightforward that my feeble brain is missing. After clicking on it I can get a rectangle around the text I want but it immediately vanishes when I try to right click to copy, as you would in Word.
Using Foxit Reader, click on "Tools" then "Text Select."

Now highlight the text you want to copy, in the usual way. Click on Edit and select "copy."

Open your preferred application (I used Notepad) then paste your selected text into it.

You might also be able to press CTRL+C to copy the text if there isn't an option on the menu and right click deselects. :)
Ian Cunningham said:
You might also be able to press CTRL+C to copy the text if there isn't an option on the menu and right click deselects. :)

Oops! Senior moment there :o :D
Taffycat said:
Oops! Senior moment there :o :D

Your way should work too - I just thought I'd post another method in case it didn't for some reason. :)
Taffycat said:
Now highlight the text you want to copy, in the usual way. Click on Edit and select "copy."


I am using Foxit. I am unable to highlight the text as I do normally. It simply will not highlight after clicking on the Select Text button. :confused: As I said I can get a rectangle round the text but as soon as I release the mouse it disappears. :confused: Copy is not one of the options under the Edit tab.
This is only a thought... but could the .pdf be a scanned document? If so, I remember reading somewhere, that it would then be stored as an image, rather than text (if you see what I mean?) So it might be worth seeing whether you can use the "snapshot" tool in Foxit, to copy it that way.

As I said, only I thought :nod:
nivrip said:
I am using Foxit. I am unable to highlight the text as I do normally. It simply will not highlight after clicking on the Select Text button. :confused: As I said I can get a rectangle round the text but as soon as I release the mouse it disappears. :confused: Copy is not one of the options under the Edit tab.
It may be a "protected" document, no choppy copy allowed ;)

Taffycat said:
This is only a thought... but could the .pdf be a scanned document? If so, I remember reading somewhere, that it would then be stored as an image, rather than text (if you see what I mean?) So it might be worth seeing whether you can use the "snapshot" tool in Foxit, to copy it that way.

As I said, only I thought

Ah! I think you've got it ,TC. :) Using the Snapshot Tool I can, indeed, highlight and copy in the usual way. I am then able to Paste into a Word document.

Thanks to all for the contributions. :thumb: