Malcolm Reeves
Someone post awhile back looking for a way to convert pdf into a word
file. This month's PC Plus has a program on its cover disk that does
this. I thought this might be of interest although it is not strictly
freeware unless you can borrow the mag from a friend
(yes I know
this would probably break the licensing rules - it's a joke
To a.c.f posting police please don't bother posting to tell me this is
off topic for a freeware group. You're only wasting BW since IMO it
falls into the category of offering useful (FREE) information.
Malcolm Reeves BSc CEng MIEE MIRSE, Full Circuit Ltd, Chippenham, UK
([email protected], (e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)).
Design Service for Analogue/Digital H/W & S/W Railway Signalling and Power
electronics. More details plus freeware, Win95/98 DUN and Pspice tips, see:
http://www.fullcircuit.com or http://www.fullcircuit.co.uk
NEW - Desktop ToDo/Reminder program (free)
Someone post awhile back looking for a way to convert pdf into a word
file. This month's PC Plus has a program on its cover disk that does
this. I thought this might be of interest although it is not strictly
freeware unless you can borrow the mag from a friend

this would probably break the licensing rules - it's a joke

To a.c.f posting police please don't bother posting to tell me this is
off topic for a freeware group. You're only wasting BW since IMO it
falls into the category of offering useful (FREE) information.
Malcolm Reeves BSc CEng MIEE MIRSE, Full Circuit Ltd, Chippenham, UK
([email protected], (e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)).
Design Service for Analogue/Digital H/W & S/W Railway Signalling and Power
electronics. More details plus freeware, Win95/98 DUN and Pspice tips, see:
http://www.fullcircuit.com or http://www.fullcircuit.co.uk
NEW - Desktop ToDo/Reminder program (free)