* Paulo wrote, On 21-1-2010 1:22:
Hi, my customer requested me if possible to do a module that he/she chooses
the .pdf file and it will be converted to jpg image...
Is it possible? Any experiencies? Any components able to do that?
Thank you very much
using VS C# 2k8 PRO
Looks liek Aspose PDF.Kit supports saving pages as images out of the box:
DF Document Manipulation
Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET offers the capability to manipulate existing PDF
documents. It allows you to Concatenate/Merge two or more PDF documents,
Append new pages to existing document, Extract pages, Insert pages at
particular location in existing PDF file, Split one PDF into two PDF
documents or even Split the document into single page PDF documents.
Create N-Up (number of pages over single page) and create Booklets. It
also offers the facility to Transform each page of PDF file into
conventional image formats i.e. BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF and also allows you
to transform all the pages of a PDF file to a single TIFF image, each
page transform to a tag of the TIFF image. All these features are
provided by Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET and are very easy to use as well as
very efficient.