.pdf to .doc

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Hi, I try to transform a .pdf file to .doc file. Are there a freeware to
making that? I'm a student and i need that for study my exam.
See you soon
You can select all the text in a .pdf in Acrobat / Adobe Reader and copy and
paste it into Word or some other word processor / text editor.

Mangles the paragraphs and doesn't get the graphics but mostly works.

I believe xpdf and Ghostscript include pdf to text tools --- you'd then have to
reapply any lost formatting.

There are commercial programs which'll do better though. Marcel Weiher's
TextLightning.app is quite good if you've got access to a machine running Mac
OS X --- http://www.metaobject.com. I've used Solid PDF which was bundled w/ a
British computer magazine a while back and it works fairly well.

You can select all the text in a .pdf in Acrobat / Adobe Reader
and copy and paste it into Word or some other word processor /
text editor.

Mangles the paragraphs and doesn't get the graphics but mostly

I believe xpdf and Ghostscript include pdf to text tools ---
you'd then have to reapply any lost formatting.

xpdf has got tools to extract images from PDF's too... How/wether it
works strongly depends on the PDF itself.
