PDF icons

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
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Just installed office 2003 but the PDF icons in word 2003
or excel 2003 are not there now, was in office 2002 do i
have reinstall Adobe Acrobat 5
just looked i have Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 on, i unistalled
office 2002 off then put office 2003 on
-----Original Message-----
Hi, Brian. You need to upgrade to at least Acrobat
5.0.5, because Acrobat 5.0 doesn't work properly with
Office 2003. See
us;826855 "After You Upgrade to Word 2003, Adobe Acrobat
Buttons Are Missing or Do Not Work, or You Receive an
Error Message" and
http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/2b13a.htm "Troublesh
oot problems with Acrobat PDFMaker 5.0".
Done what they said on the update site, took off Adobe
Acrobat 5.05 reinstalled Adobe Acrobat 5. then downloaded
the 5.05 version update, in Word 2003and Excel 2003, i
can put a document and select print then pick Acrobat
distiller and it prints to Adobe Acrobat 5.05 no problem,
so all that is missing is the red PDF icons.

-----Original Message-----
Hi, Brian. If you click on View | Toolbars, is PDFMaker
5.0 a choice, and is it checked?
Just installed office 2003 but the PDF icons in word 2003
or excel 2003 are not there now, was in office 2002 do i
have reinstall Adobe Acrobat 5

You can try that, but I'm pretty sure Acrobat 5 doesn't support Office 2003, so
it may not install the PDFMaker addins (the things that created the acrobuttons
in PPT, Word and Excel).

If you want those with Office 2003, you may need to upgrade to Acrobat 6.

On the other hand, you can always print directly to the Adobe Distiller printer
driver to get PDFs. They just won't have all the links and transitions
automatically translated for you.

If you need that ability too, have a look at our Prep4PDF

It actually does a more thorough job of translating PPT to PDF than Adobe's
addin does.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com
Hi, Brian. You need to upgrade to at least Acrobat 5.0.5, because Acrobat 5.0
doesn't work properly with Office 2003. See
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;826855 "After You Upgrade to
Word 2003, Adobe Acrobat Buttons Are Missing or Do Not Work, or You Receive an Error
Message" and http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/2b13a.htm "Troubleshoot problems
with Acrobat PDFMaker 5.0".

Good stuff. Thanks! But note that if you go to that last link it says:

"Before you begin troubleshooting, be sure that the version of Acrobat is compatible
with the version of Office. Acrobat 5.0 or later is compatible with Office 97 and
Office 2000. If you use Office XP, you should update to Acrobat 5.05. The free Acrobat
5.05 update is available on Adobe's Web site at ..."

XP = Office 2002; they don't make any promises about 2003. I'm fairly certain that
Acrobat 5.whatever.anything and 2003 aren't compatible (but would certainly like to
know about it if that's not correct!) Over to you, sir ...

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com
In Word, click on View | Toolbars. Is PDFMaker 5.0 a choice, and is it checked? If not, then click on Tools | Templates and Addins. Is PDFMaker.dot a choice, and is it checked?

In Excel, click on View | Toolbars. Is PDFMaker 5.0 a choice, and is it checked? Ditto for Powerpoint.
Hi Steve, got this when i click on add button in Word 2003

This problem occurs because of an incompatibility with
the PDFMaker.dot file, the PDFMaker.xla file, or the
PDFMaker.ppa add-in that is included and installed with
Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 or earlier. Adobe does not support
running version 5.0.5 or earlier of the PDFMaker
templates with Office 2003.
Hi, Steve. Acrobat 5.0.5 definitely works with both Office XP and 2003. If
Acrobat was installed before Office, then the user usually has to uninstall and
reinstall Acrobat because the PDFMaker.dot file (which contains the Acrobat toolbar)
is in the old Office Startup folder otherwise. Or the user can just copy the
PDFMaker.dot file to the new Office Startup folder.

For Word, that makes sense, I think, since it'll fire off .DOT files it finds in its
startup folder.

PowerPoint has no equivalent mechanism. The Addin (.PPA) file needs to be added via
the registry or manually by the user. Earlier versions of Acrobat 5 didn't add the
necessary registry entries for this, but if you manually entered them, PDFMaker would
work reasonably well in PPT 2003 (I never tested extensively, just did it, verified
that it worked and went on with life).

Have you found that later installers will add the PPT PDFMaker addin if it's not
already present?

Such a job, keeping track of umpteen versions of each of these fool apps and their
various updates. ;-)
Hi Steve, got this when i click on add button in Word 2003
This problem occurs because of an incompatibility with
the PDFMaker.dot file, the PDFMaker.xla file, or the
PDFMaker.ppa add-in that is included and installed with
Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 or earlier. Adobe does not support
running version 5.0.5 or earlier of the PDFMaker
templates with Office 2003.

MS checks one or more of the Acrobat addin file dates and tosses that at you if
they're older than a certain date, as I recall.

If Brian's right about 5.0.5 installing/working in Office 2003, then perhaps
Adobe made some fixes after MS added this message and the two are just out of
synch. On the other hand, if they'd done that, presumably the file dates would
be later and ...

sheesh ... what a mess ...! ;-)

If it all installs and works, you can probably ignore the message (and there
might be a way of "touching" the file to give it a later date ... sneakily
sidestepping the message).

To recap: so far we have MS and Adobe quoted as saying Acrobat 5.0.5 wont'
work with Office 2003, Garfield-n-Odie saying it will, me scratching my head
and you wondering who to believe. ;-)

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com
Hi Steve
Just went back to Word and click on the next button to
add it, it put the 2 icons on the Word tool bar,done the
same with Excel, that put the 2 icons in the tool bar

-----Original Message-----

MS checks one or more of the Acrobat addin file dates and tosses that at you if
they're older than a certain date, as I recall.

If Brian's right about 5.0.5 installing/working in Office 2003, then perhaps
Adobe made some fixes after MS added this message and the two are just out of
synch. On the other hand, if they'd done that,
presumably the file dates would
be later and ...

sheesh ... what a mess ...! ;-)

If it all installs and works, you can probably ignore the message (and there
might be a way of "touching" the file to give it a later date ... sneakily
sidestepping the message).

To recap: so far we have MS and Adobe quoted as saying Acrobat 5.0.5 wont'
work with Office 2003, Garfield-n-Odie saying it will, me scratching my head
and you wondering who to believe. ;-)
Hi Steve
When i closed Word down and go back in again the 2 icons
are not there so it looks like it dose not work in office
2003 as the message box says,you put a document in word
and print PDF file to Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 it there to
opens in it,but if you go to templates and add-in in word
the pdfmaker.dot is there but the box has no tick in
it.So if you tick it you get that message to say it dose
not work
-----Original Message-----
Hi Steve
Just went back to Word and click on the next button to
add it, it put the 2 icons on the Word tool bar,done the
same with Excel, that put the 2 icons in the tool bar

-----Original Message-----

MS checks one or more of the Acrobat addin file dates and tosses that at you if
they're older than a certain date, as I recall.

If Brian's right about 5.0.5 installing/working in Office 2003, then perhaps
Adobe made some fixes after MS added this message and the two are just out of
synch. On the other hand, if they'd done that,
presumably the file dates would
be later and ...

sheesh ... what a mess ...! ;-)

If it all installs and works, you can probably ignore the message (and there
might be a way of "touching" the file to give it a
date ... sneakily
sidestepping the message).

To recap: so far we have MS and Adobe quoted as saying Acrobat 5.0.5 wont'
work with Office 2003, Garfield-n-Odie saying it will, me scratching my head
and you wondering who to believe. ;-)

-----Original Message-----
Hi Steve
When i closed Word down and go back in again the 2 icons
are not there so it looks like it dose not work in office
2003 as the message box says,you put a document in word
and print PDF file to Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 it there to
opens in it,but if you go to templates and add-in in word
the pdfmaker.dot is there but the box has no tick in
it.So if you tick it you get that message to say it dose
not work

Sounds like the incompatibility msg writers have it right.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Steve
Just went back to Word and click on the next button to
add it, it put the 2 icons on the Word tool bar,done the
same with Excel, that put the 2 icons in the tool bar

-----Original Message-----
Hi Steve, got this when i click on add button in Word 2003

This problem occurs because of an incompatibility with
the PDFMaker.dot file, the PDFMaker.xla file, or the
PDFMaker.ppa add-in that is included and installed with
Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 or earlier. Adobe does not support
running version 5.0.5 or earlier of the PDFMaker
templates with Office 2003.

MS checks one or more of the Acrobat addin file dates and tosses that at you if
they're older than a certain date, as I recall.

If Brian's right about 5.0.5 installing/working in Office 2003, then perhaps
Adobe made some fixes after MS added this message and the two are just out of
synch. On the other hand, if they'd done that,
presumably the file dates would
be later and ...

sheesh ... what a mess ...! ;-)

If it all installs and works, you can probably ignore the message (and there
might be a way of "touching" the file to give it a
date ... sneakily
sidestepping the message).

To recap: so far we have MS and Adobe quoted as saying Acrobat 5.0.5 wont'
work with Office 2003, Garfield-n-Odie saying it will, me scratching my head
and you wondering who to believe. ;-)

-----Original Message-----

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com