Our Domain Controller failed, we have re-install it and promote to one of
the domain controller again. It is the first domain controller ever in our
domain. However, we can't change the server role back into this domain
controller. The PDC emulater, PID master & infrastructure master can't be
change to the newly installed domain controller.
It said something like you must connect to the current PDC emulator first,
then you can change it to the domain controller you want. However, our
original PDC emulator, infrastructure master & PID master has been lost. How
can I solve it??
Our Domain Controller failed, we have re-install it and promote to one of
the domain controller again. It is the first domain controller ever in our
domain. However, we can't change the server role back into this domain
controller. The PDC emulater, PID master & infrastructure master can't be
change to the newly installed domain controller.
It said something like you must connect to the current PDC emulator first,
then you can change it to the domain controller you want. However, our
original PDC emulator, infrastructure master & PID master has been lost. How
can I solve it??