dejotay said:
When starting my computer I get the error message PDboot.exe not
found-Skipping auto check then if left windows boots without any problem.
I have tired reading previous questions & answers on this problems but I am
totally confused.
What does this message mean?
Is it a problem if autocheck is not run?
How can I correct this anomaly (in words of one sylable please)
If I need to edit the registry please explain how I do so.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Do you have PerfectDisk?
16. When attempting to perform a boot time or offline defragmentation
pass, I get a "failed to open" or "driver conflict" message or the system
reboots without performing the boot time/offline defrag.
3rd party programs may modify the BootExecute registry key so that
PDBoot.exe is no longer the first entry. PDBoot.exe needs to be the first
entry in order for the PerfectDisk boot time defrag to run correctly. To
verify that the BootExecute registry key is correct, do the following:
* Run PerfectDisk 2008
* Click on Product Resources
* Click Support
* Click the Support Info button
* Scroll down in the support information until you see something that
looks like the following
*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
- Value Name: BootExecute
- Data: PDBoot.exeautocheck autochk *
* Verify the PDBoot.exe is the first entry
If PDBoot.exe is NOT the first entry, then download/run PDBootFix.exe. This
will reset the BootExecute registry key to the Windows default value of
autocheck autochk * and repair PerfectDisk 2008 - which will re-insert
PDBoot.exe at the beginning of the key as required in order for PerfectDisk
boot time defrag to run correctly.