I've not had an e-mail about this from the server monitoring, so I can't tell if something went wrong as nothing has appeared on the server end. It could be that the hosting company had a routing problem, as that wouldn't show anything up on the server monitoring unless it happened for over 15 mins.
I'll run a DB check now just in case, so that may cause the site to slow down for 10 mins or so.
Same happened for me around the same time. Also just before it hapened I noticed that no avatars were showing. All that was showing was say Ians avatar, Evans avatar. Then all went down.
Ah, this could be an HTTP failure then - as if some avatars were not displaying it may be that the page request went through OK and then subsequent calls to avatars failed.
Next week I'll run the IIS diagnostics toolkit and see if I can capture a crash happening to see what causes it . It seems to happen once or twice a week for a few mins at a time - so it's nothing serious in server downtime terms (uptime is a touch over 99.9%), however I can imagine it must be a pain if you are in the middle of replying ! If this does happen after you've clicked "submit reply/thread" then if you keep the blank/error page open for a few mins and then press F5. It may ask you if you want to submit the information again, which will attempt to make another post.