gataway said:
Any idea PCIE or AGP is better on a P4 HT processor?
AGP 8X is 2133MB/sec on the video card slot interface.
PCI Express x16 is 4000MB/sec and is bidirectional.
But the core clock on the GPU, the memory width and
clock rate, influence the video card performance a
lot more, than the difference between the astronomically
high transfer rates in the video card slot.
While they are still making AGP cards, the companies
making them are careful not to put the fastest chips
on them. There are still some useful AGP cards you
can buy, if you already own an AGP motherboard. But
if you are buying a brand new system, there is not a
lot of good reasons to go with AGP any more. You can
get a $50 PCI Express video card if you need it,
just like you can find a $50 AGP card. And if
you are a gamer, the very best (high end) cards
for gaming, will be the PCI Express ones.