Mark G.
Can someone tell me what my "Award" BIOS system/PCI frequency should be?
This is on a P3 800 with 200gb of hd space, 786mb of ram, GeForce 3 Ti200
128ddr video card running Win XP Pro. I searched the internet and could not
find any specs or list, so to speak. Hopefully someone here can point me in
the right direction. Right now it is on it's lowest setting. Thanks.
This is on a P3 800 with 200gb of hd space, 786mb of ram, GeForce 3 Ti200
128ddr video card running Win XP Pro. I searched the internet and could not
find any specs or list, so to speak. Hopefully someone here can point me in
the right direction. Right now it is on it's lowest setting. Thanks.