New Orleans Novice
PCI Express
Where is a utility to DL that will check the PC hardware similar to Belarc?
I need to buy a new Video Card but HP does not list if this PC has plain PCI
or PCI express. Also it requires a 350w Power Supply.
Which Video card is best? I have never bought a Video Card. Both are $35.
The Chipsets are: GeForce 7300 LE. The LE is a PCI card
Or Chipset GeForce MX. The MX is a AGP card.. GeForce 7300 LE Video Card,
PCI Express, 128MB
Or AGP. GF MX4000 Video Card, 8x AGP 128MB DDR
I did not know if there was a difference in the LE or MX technology on the 2
different cards. I have both open slots. I am wondering about the Chipset
Are these movies about Katrina too sad? Should I delete them?
You Tube Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/lsuedu
I need a new Video Card to use Pinnacle 10.6 to create new movies.
Where is a utility to DL that will check the PC hardware similar to Belarc?
I need to buy a new Video Card but HP does not list if this PC has plain PCI
or PCI express. Also it requires a 350w Power Supply.
Which Video card is best? I have never bought a Video Card. Both are $35.
The Chipsets are: GeForce 7300 LE. The LE is a PCI card
Or Chipset GeForce MX. The MX is a AGP card.. GeForce 7300 LE Video Card,
PCI Express, 128MB
Or AGP. GF MX4000 Video Card, 8x AGP 128MB DDR
I did not know if there was a difference in the LE or MX technology on the 2
different cards. I have both open slots. I am wondering about the Chipset
Are these movies about Katrina too sad? Should I delete them?
You Tube Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/lsuedu
I need a new Video Card to use Pinnacle 10.6 to create new movies.