Starting research for my next build. It will be an occasional gamer, but
mainly used for Internet and multimedia applications. Rather high-end.
Won't even consider using sound built into mainboard, but would prefer to
avoid Creative brand products as well. Don't want to buy a PCI sound card,
want PCI Express. Usually prefer Turtle Beach products, but they don't seem
to make any PCI Express format sound cards. Would prefer to spend a hundred
or less on the Sound card, but will spend more if necessary.
MAIN thing I'm looking for is sound quality. I don't care about game
performance (for the sound card at least), I want "flat", non-distorted
sound output. Needs to play music to drive high-end powered speakers at
extreme volume levels and sound awesome three rooms away.
As I said
before, I've been pretty happy with Turle Beach sound cards in the past.
Good compromise of good sound quality, while still being reasonably priced.
But need PCI express.
Oh, and I don't care how many "channels" it has. 7.1 seems to be the norm
now, but it won't be using more than two channels, probably.
OK, who makes it? -Dave
mainly used for Internet and multimedia applications. Rather high-end.
Won't even consider using sound built into mainboard, but would prefer to
avoid Creative brand products as well. Don't want to buy a PCI sound card,
want PCI Express. Usually prefer Turtle Beach products, but they don't seem
to make any PCI Express format sound cards. Would prefer to spend a hundred
or less on the Sound card, but will spend more if necessary.
MAIN thing I'm looking for is sound quality. I don't care about game
performance (for the sound card at least), I want "flat", non-distorted
sound output. Needs to play music to drive high-end powered speakers at
extreme volume levels and sound awesome three rooms away.

before, I've been pretty happy with Turle Beach sound cards in the past.
Good compromise of good sound quality, while still being reasonably priced.
But need PCI express.
Oh, and I don't care how many "channels" it has. 7.1 seems to be the norm
now, but it won't be using more than two channels, probably.
OK, who makes it? -Dave