PCI-E equivalent to a 9700Pro?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Ash
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Jason Ash

I am looking to possibly jump on the 64-bit bandwagon soon, but am on a
budget. The way I see it, I have two options:
1) Go with a socket 939 board, with AGP slot, such as one using the
K8T800 Pro chipset, or nForce3
2) Go with a socket 939 board, with PCI-E, such as the nForce4 chipset

Option 1 is attractive, as I can keep my current 9700Pro, get a dual-core
processor in a couple of months, then start looking to go to PCI-E

Option 2 is nice, simply because I'd already have the PCI-E for later

However, being on a budget, I'll need to keep costs down. If I go with
option 2, I'd need a low cost PCI-E card. I want to stick with ATI, as
I've had good luck with them. So, what is the nearest equivalent in
performance to an ATI 9700Pro?



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Jason said:

The X700Pro is the direct equivalent but I'd suggest giving up a few
more bucks and getting a X800.
My personal favourite is the X800XL that has a 299$ MSRP ,although you
can find it for as low as 250$, and it is about 3x 9700Pro and it should
suffice for the next few years.

I'm also still using a 9700Pro and will probably buy a new card in time
for the holiday season,mid-range R520 AGP or the nVidia equivalent
should be as powerfull as last generation high-end (6800Ultra and X800XT).
I am looking to possibly jump on the 64-bit bandwagon soon, but am on a
budget. The way I see it, I have two options:
1) Go with a socket 939 board, with AGP slot, such as one using the
K8T800 Pro chipset, or nForce3
2) Go with a socket 939 board, with PCI-E, such as the nForce4 chipset

Option 1 is attractive, as I can keep my current 9700Pro, get a dual-core
processor in a couple of months, then start looking to go to PCI-E

Option 2 is nice, simply because I'd already have the PCI-E for later

However, being on a budget, I'll need to keep costs down. If I go with
option 2, I'd need a low cost PCI-E card. I want to stick with ATI, as
I've had good luck with them. So, what is the nearest equivalent in
performance to an ATI 9700Pro?


X700Pro PCI-E is meant to be equivalent to a 9800 so you are probably
quicker than your 9700 with just that. With the 64 bit processor, you
are pretty much at rocket speed with that setup alone. The need for a
further upgrade would still be some time away when you will get
X800Pros free with breakfast cereal.

Julian Richards
computer "at" richardsuk.f9.co.uk

Website of "Robot Wars" middleweight "Broadsword IV"