PCDMIS To Excel !



Before I go into too much detail...Does Anybody know anything about
importing results from PCDMIS into excel ? I ask because I can't find
a single post concerning it which surprises me. PCDMIS is a CMM
software package and I have imported the measurements into Excel. I
have got the data in OK but have 2 questions.

1.) You write a script in VB which is similar to the Excel VB that
contains a line of:-
oxl.Workbooks.Open "FilePathAndName",3,False
This opens Excel and the file but does not open any files that are in
the Excel StartUp Directory (ie the Personal.xls or equivalent). I
don't know what the 3,False does - I've tried changing them but with
no success (in fact I couldn't see any change in anything!). Can
anybody help me out here?

2.)I will post if there are people who are familiar with what I am
tring to do as is concerns how you can import the information quicker.
A particular dimension will have a nominal, measured, upper tol,
lower tol, deviation, out of tol figure etc that I am importing
seperately which is quite slow. I was wondering if you could imprt all
data from a particular dimension in one go perhaps into an array or
something that would quicken up the process.

Thanks to anybody who can help. i have posted question 1 to a PCDMIS
forum but unfortunately haven't had any responses but it is a bit more
of a programming question really.


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