Why yes, in the vein of "Scarf up your own Doggie food Redmond Girls and
Use Win One Care Live ) as in Saturday Nite Live 1.5 Beta available at your
fingertips for downloading and deploying and enjoying now.
Get Windows One Care Live AV/Firewall/Backkup/Defrag for Windows Vista (Your
build whichever)
Windows One Care Live Team Blog
I have used many of them with Vista to compare but I think that One Care
Live Team deserves praise for it's price, it's backup which is very decent,
it's 3 license EULA, it's lack of resource slurping and relative lack of
hard drive real estate occupied when compared with products of Microsoft's
friendly partner Symantec who showed the love by filing suit against MSFT in
Seattle district Court to keep MSFT VP and General Counsel and Deputy
General Counsel Nancy Anderson busy. MSFT backed down which is the usual
result of their litigation with big companies. They are bigger and badder
and braver when they go after lol an individual.Ck out the result of
litigation with MSFT and Adobe, the European Union, McAfee, Symantec, etc.
There also are a panoply of others that work--just do a search here.