pc world


Proud Cruncher!
Aug 12, 2004
Reaction score
hey all

just wondering if its possible to pay the online price instore for pcworld....im sure someone posted something about this but i cant find it or remember...im after a wireless modem router to see if i cant hook a few machines up to wcg

You can pay online and collect instore if thats what you mean :)

Not done it myself, but there are some reasonably priced items there if you want to pick one up.
You reserve it online and get a code, and then you walk into the store and goto the Collect Point, and then you pay for it there, but you get the discounted Online price.

Done it a few weeks back with a PSU.

i want to pay cash and the online prices are very good

i will give it a go
i've ordered online and collected from store and i was suprised how well it works.

PC World getting something right, has the world gone mad !
Techy said:
i've ordered online and collected from store and i was suprised how well it works.

PC World getting something right, has the world gone mad !
Nope ... just waking up. :D

They still don't have any computers. ;)
iv dun that before with a hd it is amazin how much the instore price is different to the online price
Just to confirm what's been said already, PC World had Nikon Coolpix 5600 camera online for £132.00 and instore for £149.95.

When I pointed this out to the girl sales assistant she actually ordered it for me in the store, in my name, and gave me a code and I paid £132.00 cash instore.

She was also really quite helpful, offered several cases and memory cards as well. I already had some memory for the camera, but did buy a case for a tenner.

Yes, maybe they are waking up, it's about time ;)
This service has been available for quite some time now......and it works brilliantly got a 250Gb Hitachi Deskstar hard drive for £52.99 the other week...Superb....:D
I wouldn't buy a PC from PCWorld unless I didn't know how to assemble one...

Then again I want PC's for gaming, overclocking, and performance. Alot of their 300 quid office PC's are good value - especially when they include Windows XP. Obviously they can do alot of deals with multinationals... unfortunately that's why most chain stores still mostly stock Intel not AMD.