PC won't turn on. It seems it isn't a power-supply problem..

  • Thread starter Thread starter phl0w
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Greetings everyone...

The reason I'm writing this is because I'm having some problems wit
one of my computers. It all happened when I shutdown the machine, i
shutdown normally, but the next time I tried to turn it on, it didn't
It seemed like a power supply kind of problem, since, it did not d
anything at all. Trying to turn it on, was like trying to turn on
computer whose cable is unplugged. I switched its power supply wit
another one I had laying around. But, still... it did exactly th
same thing. I'm sure the power supply works, because I tested it o
other computer. Could it be that the motherboard is damaged? How ca
I know the problem? If you any of you guys could point me out to a
online hardware troubleshooting guide (or perhaps enlight me wit
your knowledge and experience), it would be most appritiated. Sorr
if this thread seems a bit dumb, but I rarely work with PC hardwar
or anything. I try to take best care out of my machines and its rar
that they have (cost-effective, fixable) hardware problems

Again, thanks for the future replies and help any of you may bring.
The reason I'm writing this is because I'm having some problems with
one of my computers. It all happened when I shutdown the machine, it
shutdown normally, but the next time I tried to turn it on, it didn't.
It seemed like a power supply kind of problem, since, it did not do
anything at all. Trying to turn it on, was like trying to turn on a
computer whose cable is unplugged. I switched its power supply with
another one I had laying around. But, still... it did exactly the
same thing. I'm sure the power supply works, because I tested it on
other computer. Could it be that the motherboard is damaged? How can
I know the problem?

The motherboard is the most likely suspect at this time since
you tried another power supply. Did you make sure that the
power-on wire from the front of the case is attached properly?
Yes, I mean, I'm almost sure of it. The motherboard is a AG8-V o
something, don't remember exactly right now.. anyways, I forgot t
say, that when I tried the power supply (both of them), th
motherboard showed some weird numbers... that's when I was sur
electricity was going through that couldn't be the power supply..
anyways, I'm almost sure it's the motherboard... I just want secon
opinions... I want to make sure

Thanks for your time and reply
a neighbor had a similar problem, and it turned out to
be the power cable.
Also, if the recepticle is on a switch, and it's switched
off, then there is no elec reaching the computer which would also cause your
sometimes its the most basic things, and they are ofter over looked because
we take them for granted.
