PC won't start up properly

Jun 5, 2011
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Hi guys!
I've had a recent problem with my pc a few days ago. ( I'm using a different computer now.) It would start up normally but when it loads up it goes to a black screen with options i can choose to start up. The options are: Start safe mode, start safe mode with networking, start safe mode with command promt, last good configuration and start windows normally.

No matter which option i choose, it goes straight to a blue screen with this error number: STOP:0x00000024 (0x0019203, 0x871A62E8, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000). I can't even log on.

It says something about uninstalling anti virus software and run CKHDSK /r but i can't log on to do that.

Solutions to this would be a big help and please reply if you have any suggestions on how to fix this. Thanks.
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I'd just stick the operating system disc in the cd drive, go in bios, get computer to boot from cd drive and format then install the operating system again and start fresh.
Hey blitzz if you dont want to lose the data on the computer, you can try and use the Operating System disk and boot from cd-rom in the bios as ReefSmoka said and then when the disk loads go threw the setup options and you will have a prompt for repair. Note* there is 2 repair options you will see a first one come up at the begining then after you go past that one by pressing enter i believe you will see the second one. you can try and run this first before wiping the machine if you have data on it. ( You will find these options when setting up a fresh install of a OS in the steps Listed by Reefsmoka)
Is the only way to sort this out with the operating system disc? Or is there other ways to fix this?
Hey Blitzz well if you want to run the repair the best way to do this would be with the OS disc, but i have another question are you able to open the OS in safe mode or it doesnt go past there (being the prompt you said above).
No, i cannot open any of the safe modes. When i do, the whole list of letters that come up, it stops loading on AVG something and then it goes to blue screen with the same error message and error number.
is this computer custom made computer or is it a dell, hp etc. as well what OS are you using windows xp pro, visita or 7 . but im assuming its windows xp from what your explaining above.
ok while im researching this it would be good to check with dell how much the OS disc would cost you for the machine it is normally 15 bucks USA so you might be able to get that and this will allow you to run the repair, let me look and see if i can find another solutions for this problem, as you said it stops on a avg code when you run it in safe mode, if you could post the exact name at the end of the string that it stops on might help to find you a solution.

Also worse case you can remove the hd from yoru computer and plug it up as you would a external HD to another OS and remove the data files, pictures that you want off the HD then format it and run a fresh installation of the OS from the disk you can aquire from Dell.

But as i said before if you run a repair with the Dell OS disk you will more than likley fix the problem there is something corrupt in the OS that needs repairing.
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I think i still have the operating system disc... somewhere. I'll check that AVG code for you tomorrow and post it here. Also, is it normal for a computer that is about 5 years old to be having problems like this?
Well its not really the age bud, in simple words **** happens and that pretty much what happened to you i see these problems all the time, alot of times the quickest way to resolve this problem will be the OS disc if you find this your problem could be fixed rather quickly if it works now there is a chance it wont work but its worth a shot.
ok, i will give it a shot, probably this weekend. The thing i don't get is how it got to happen in the first place!
Remember to keep posting solutions guys!
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I've got the avg code that when my computer runs in safe mode that it stops at. The code is as follows:
If you purchase the Dell installation CDs, be certain that you do not run an unwanted complete restore on the system. A complete restore of the system will wipe the drive and place it as if it were a new system. Just like when you bought it.

If the Dell Installation package comes with an OS Installation Disc, you may be able to boot this to the Windows recovery console. However, if Windows has been updated as far as service packs go, it may not work the way you want it to. You would need to get a Windows SPX Install Disc (where SPX is the latest service pack to which you have updated. Most are SP3 now). If you run the Dell OS Installation Disc when you have SP3 (for example), then the system will tell you that this disc won't be supported or won't function the way you wish.

TL;DR: Be careful when you use the Dell Restore discs.
I have service pack 2 as i cannot update to service pack 3 because when i download it, it keeps coming up with a message that says 'Access Denied'.
In that case, you would need a Windows XP SP2 Installation Disc.

However, a google of the error message brings up a few interesting topics.

While this link references Windows Vista and 7, you may get some info out of it.

It references an AVG rescue boot disk as well. This probably is your best bet.

Edit: One other thing....did you buy or install AVG? Perhaps you have the fake AVG Antivirus. It kills program executables: .exe .com .bat
If you had that though, you would probably know it because things would slowly stop working and you would have had notifications all over about it. It is possible that it could bring down the function of Windows. However, the real AVG is probably what is being referenced. Just a thought.
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