PC will not shut down

  • Thread starter Thread starter Me2Ewe
  • Start date Start date


I need some intellectual help here.

My computer will not shut down I tried unchecking the 'Automatically
restart' check box, with no results. As soon as I shut it down it just
restarts the same as if I selected restart form the start menu.

Any ideas?

Thanx Bruce
See if anything here helps and good luck:

Disable everything that reads 'Wake up' in the BIOS settings. Also, I have
seen this behavior if you have a CD/DVD in the drive during a shutdown.

Shutdown Event Tracker - Line 373:

Power the Computer Off or Reboot After Shutdown

This edit controls whether Windows should automatically power down or reboot
your computer once it has finished the shutdown process.

Power Off or Reboot After Shutdown (Line 76)

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (Line 36) Right hand side

This edit automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from
shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.

Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown (Line 76)

Shutdown.Exe - Andrej Budja (Line 52)


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool
PCs restart themselves from a shutdown 99.9% of the time due to a hardware
conflict..If added any,either disconnect or move to another slot,or anything
unplugged or plugged in that should/nt be,recheck all....
I had the same problem after downloading the servicepack 2 and solved it by
shutting off a button in services referring to a wireless internet connection
That I did not have