PC vs Mac

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I am currently riding the fence between purchasing a PC laptop or a Mac
laptop. I have a PC desktop right now with ME installed on it, and it's been
a huge headache for us. We're tempted to go Mac simply because the ME has
been a bad experience.
The main purpose of the laptop will be for photo and video editing. My wife
and I want to make CD's with pictures of our son and send them to relatives.
I know you can have them with great transitions and music. I've spoken with
several people and I am trying to get a balanced opinion before making any
purchase. I've been told that Mac's make the editing process a walk in the
park, and part of me is hoping that PC's can also make it easy because I'm
very familiar with PC's.
Anyway, do you have an honest, open opinion or advice? I'd love to hear it!
I guess you know this is a Microsoft Windows newsgroup.... so it's full of
those who love it, and others who use it but don't love it...

If your goal is to send photos today (and videos tomorrow) of your son to
relatives, what platform are your relatives using? If you're on the fence,
stay in the platform they use... then if they have issues with what you
send, you can help them... by tweaking things at your end or theirs.

If you're going to use PhotoStory 3 and they are using Macs, they don't have
a player to see them... but if you get a Mac and make videos in MOV format,
you might have to help them download and install a Quick Time Player.

Bottom line... if you are ambidextrous, go with the platform that makes it
best for your audience.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org