PC Upgrade

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saba
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COuld someone please advise me on how to upgrade my PC in
the quickest way so that I can scan photos, edit them,
edit digital videos, rendering etc etc. I have a P4,
512MB RAM 80GB hard disk. Its still rubbish when I scan
even 1 photo at 1200dpi
Didn't get the point. Why do you want to scan photo at so big resolution? Anyway what software do u use for photo editing?
What resolution is your monitor set to? You probably have a PC that's fine
for the job (although I'd probably get a much larger hard drive for digital
video editing and possibly upgrade to 1gb of RAM)

If you're scanning at 1200DPI, i'm assuming it's because
you're going to enlarge your images prior to printing -
Digital Photographer? If so, do the 1200DPI. If you're
just archiving your stuff, but never plan on enlarging the
images, you'll only need 300DPI for a good print. Anything
over that is wasted. If it's just for on-screen display
and archiving purposes, go with 72-96dpi. 512MB RAM is
fine for photography, but you'll want at LEAST 1GB RAM for
video editing.