G said:
You would think 'A 3GHz P4 and 2 GB RAM should very well for any game' but
not for MS FSX it is very demanding and in heavy graphic areas brings my
machine to it's knees ;-)
Thanks for the advice, will try and find a duo core mobo that can take my
AGP graphics card
Generally speaking, reusing your AGP video card would be a fine plan.
But the problem is the chipsets on the motherboards that still support AGP.
The chipsets don't really overclock that well. If you ever wanted to
overclock the E6600, like so many other people do, the AGP chipsets
are already being overclocked by the manufacturer (i.e. the FSB on the
chipset was designed for FSB800, and is being run at FSB1066). Which
means there might only be 10% more headroom to overclock via the FSB.
Otherwise, there are VIA chipsets, and even some boards with Intel 865G,
that have AGP slots and support Core2 Duo. As with anything involving
computers, try to read some customer reviews, to see how trouble prone
your prospective purchase will be.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...908 1073407577&bop=And&SrchInDesc=core&Page=1
But since your plan is to run FSX, I'd really suggest a PCI Express motherboard,
and a new video card. Like the 8800GTX. The reason is, FSX is poorly designed,
and eats computers, no matter what size they are. While I didn't keep
any URLs, there is even a claim from an FSX developer, that they designed
FSX for a "not yet shipping" computer, rather than targeting today's
mainstream. You might want to read some more reviews and feedback from
people dealing with FSX, because it seems no matter what you do, you'd
be hard pressed to get buttery smooth performance. To handle FSX, I'd
at least want a platform that can take 4GB of RAM, and then if the need
arises, you have 4 DIMM slots to fill up. Some of the VIA chipset boards
are more restricted on the amount of RAM you can install (when there are
two DDR and two DDR2 slots, you can only use one kind of RAM at a time).