PC studder for sound, games, and Video

Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
I have 3 issues

My first custom gaming PC:

Thermaltake Armor+MX
Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz
GeForce GTX 260
Seagate 500GB
Rosewill 950W
G15 board/G5 mouse
Samsung 2433 x 2, 24" lcd
XP Pro 32 bit FTW (don't like vista)

All my drivers are up to date. I dont think its a software issue.


-blue crash screen only once in awhile. This happens really fast. I get a blue screen then my pc reboots while all the power is on. This is not a power supply issue cause I hve a Geek Squad UPS....I have friends looking into this issue also. Any advice would help.

-while watching a video or playing games, pc jumps back to the windows desktop. Very annoying. I even locked my windows key with my G15 keyboard and this still happens. My resolution is at 1900x1600 and my vid card and support this no prob.

-"When playing any movie files or any sound files, I hear
what can be best described as intermittant studders in the
sound playback. This studder is basically a short, half-
second continuation of whatever tone was being played at
the time of the studder. When watching a movie file,
spoken words end up coming through as a sort of short
buzzing noise, after which, audio continues to play until
the next studder.

I've investigated the problem to the best of my ability,
but have reached an impasse. All my drivers appear to be
up-to-date, I've tweaked the hardware acceleration and am
basically lost now."-Matt Warren described this best. Yeah what he said. This is exactly what happens to me. He found a solution by moving his sound card to a lower location on his Mobo. I can not do this because of my onboard sound card.

Other then that my pc works great!!! but this is really annoying me.

any help would be appreciated.


opps, i put this in the wrong forums.. can a moderator plz move this to the proper forum plz....

Well things to try;

Memtest or the Windows diagnostic on startup, you could try coretemp to see if it gets too hot.

Might be a bad install of XP.

Try and capture the error codes on the next blue screen it will help.

Welcome to pcreview :wave:
It could be a bad sound chip on the motherboad, but lets see if what WF has said corrects the issue first. :)
