Yesterday my PC decided to reboot while I was using it. Since that time, it
has failed to reboot (warm) using the reset button. The CDRom lights will
flash but the hard drive light stays light and there is no signal to the
monitor. Basically it freezes. However, if I shut the system down, wait a
few minutes, then turn it back on, it reboots and operates normally. It may
then freeze up again later and will not reboot using the reset button. I
know its a hardware problem and suspect CPU or RAM. Any ideas?
has failed to reboot (warm) using the reset button. The CDRom lights will
flash but the hard drive light stays light and there is no signal to the
monitor. Basically it freezes. However, if I shut the system down, wait a
few minutes, then turn it back on, it reboots and operates normally. It may
then freeze up again later and will not reboot using the reset button. I
know its a hardware problem and suspect CPU or RAM. Any ideas?