UseNet said:
I have a PC that after starting, shutsdown after 10 seconds, even before
entering the BIOS screen. I must turn the main power in back off for at
least 10 seconds, then back on to even get it to power up for the next bout.
I have tried replacing powersupplies and same results. Is the motherboard
done? Any other ideas?
An overheating CPU might be enough to shut it off. Check that the heatsink is
firmly clamped to the CPU, and that the CPU fan is plugged in and running.
Another kind of fault, is with the Vcore regulator on the motherboard. If the
electrolytic capacitors are bulging or leaking, a failed capacitor can cause
the Vcore regulator to shut off. But that might not kill the power entirely.
It can require cycling the power, to try again.
I think I'd concentrate on the CPU cooling first, and see if that is the problem.
If you have some replacement thermal paste, like one of these two, you can
disassemble the CPU heatsink, remove all thermal interface material, then
apply a thin coat of paste. Reassemble, making sure the fasteners on the
heatsink are secure, and that the fan is plugged back in. Then power up the
computer and see if it runs for longer than 10 seconds.