PC Running Slow/Sound Problems

Jul 6, 2006
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apologise if this is in the wrong place.

Over the past few days, I've noticed that my PC has slowed down.

An example of this is when I turn on the computer. It takes twice as long to boot up. So, I disable some of the programs that ran on start up to try and solve the problem and it's still happening.

Another example is that my mouse pointer lags from time to time when moving it about the screen and opening folders/files is less responsive than it used to be and it takes longer to respond.

Also, I can't use my itunes properly as the music crackles! I've also tried using windows media player to play music and the sound still crackles, perhaps I need a new sound card?

I've tried de-fragging the hard drive, but it took about 4-5 hours just to get to 69% My hard drive is 200gb but surely it shouldn't take that long?

I've also checked for spyware and ad ware using Microsoft Anti-Spyware and Ad-Aware.

Norton didn't find anything on a virus scan either!

Has anyone else experienced these sort of problems?

And does anyone know what I can do to solve these problems please?
Welcome to PCReview:wave:
What Operating System are you using & when did the problem first appear?
What spec is your PC?
McDaddy17 said:
I've tried de-fragging the hard drive, but it took about 4-5 hours just to get to 69% My hard drive is 200gb but surely it shouldn't take that long?
That depends on how much data is on that drive and when you last did a defrag.... The more data and more time since you did it = longer to defrag

Norton didn't find anything on a virus scan either!
No suprise there then! Try using an online virus scanner if you can. Like http://www.kaspersky.com/ Run the online scanner and see what it comes up with if anything, just to be sure.

What do you have in the start up folder? 'Start>All Programs>Start up'

Can you see anything in the task manager thats eating cpu cycles?

Thank you both for getting back to me.

I'm using Windows XP and my computer is a Fujitsu Scaleo P, pentium 4 3.2ghz, 1gb RAM and 200gb HD.

I used the online virus scanner and it didn't find anything.

I don't have anything in the start up folder and the only thing that uses most CPU is the system idle process.