PC Review Stats Page


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
After Muck's suggestion I am working on our own Stats page which should list all of our members scores etc...

As with everything, its a bit more complicated than I first thought, so it may take some time :o

For now, http://www.fadstats.com/ is great, especially once it is customised by entering in your name on the left hand side.
Yeah, sorry Boss, I thought it might be ... not that helpfull at FaD though.
"Here, try these"
might be worth having a word with Mike Craft (Wizzard~Of~Ozz ) of Team XPC as he put the 'FaDstats' page together. :)

Ta, I've just seen the about section which has a link to his e-mail :) I might ask him a couple of questions on it :D
Its now live, although I cheated a bit as you will see :)

It looks really hard to parse the code from the CSV file, so thats on hold until I have more time. This temporary measure still gives a good overview though for now ;) Check out the sticky!
Sheesh, you might at least have given me a linkie ...

HeHe ... new stats in ... you not second anymore. :eek: