PC Repair Programs

May 17, 2005
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Hi there,
Are there any PC repair programs that are good quality and free?
If there is, will all my programs have to be registered?

My system has a few faults and I tried downloading PC Rescue, which scanned my system,
but when it came to fixing the 178 problems it highlighted, it went onto a paypal site and
requested a $29.99 fee.....

Can anyone help?
I can't think of any programs I'd recommend, as "repair" is far too general.

What sort of problems have you got? I bet many of the problems it found were nothing important, as they just want you to buy the application.
I have deleted the program which highlighted all of the problem files now, so I cannot view them, as it was a waste of time!

The reason why I want something to help scan it that when I am in my bluetooth folder or windows explorer it keeps closing itself down and saying that there is a problem with the Kernell32.dll file. I put this in Google and the PC Rescue file came up, but was a con? Any ideas?
Hmmmm, thats strange. Have you done the usual anti-virus and spyware scans?
I have with AVG, but I am waiting for Norton Antivirus 2005 to arrive.... I have been waiting 3 weeks for the package to arrive from SoftwareCellar.co.uk (I wouldn't recommend them)

I have got Microsoft Ani-Spyware.

Still, nothing came up. I can't really afford Norton Works 2005 as this would probably sort the problem out straight away.

The other reason why I was after a PC Repair package is that my system is often quite slow since I have been on the internet.
well try this program for some adware issues u might have ad-aware se personal its free you can find it on DOwnloads.com. and when you get norton amke sure you get all the new updates all the time it can save your butt.
Unfortunately there is no such thing as a PC repair program ... there are programs that can help, but non are 100%

Invalid Page Faults and General Protection Faults in Kernel32.DLL are generally caused by a lack of system resources, out of date video drivers, or a corrupt swap/paging file.

Norton will not 'fix' your system ... tell us a little more on your system specs' and we may be able to help point you in the right direction.

