I have used several versions in that range under Windows "98" on my
A7V333-board with no problems (except inability to set the
fanspeed-threshold alerts low enough, until 2.20.01 so i could finally
stop downloading the same old Borland files again and again (see
I think one of the reasons for the rather steady release of new versions
of PC Probe is to support new motherboards, and then a couple of more
versions for each board to actually make it work right. ;-/
You don't mention what motherboard you have, so people on here can't
tell you definitively that it should work under Windows "98" on that
board. But if it's a new board, you might have to wait a couple of
releases until they get it right for your board.
It sounds like you've never gotten it to work under "98". But if i guess
wrong and you had it running ok at first and it started malfunctioning
after a while, and the reinstalls don't help, one thing that doesn't get
deleted during an uninstall is the "HKLM\Software\Asus\AsusAHD"-key ...
so maybe if that has gotten corrupt ... well just a thought.
Sounds like the Probe is designed for a later version of the API than that
which is installed on your Win98. Which API? Dunno.. most likely it's
MSVC++ or could VB or...
It's Borland's C++ Builder 3.0(.3.70). There are 5 Borland
(Runtime)-files from back in 1998-02-(08-09) installed into the
"X:\Windows\System\"-folder when you install PC Probe.
When uninstalling PC Probe you can choose to uninstall them or leave
them alone (assuming you have nothing else that uses them).