Hi there, hope this gets in the right forum...already wrote it once but lost connection and it booted mt out
Am looking to overhaul my PC. Wondered if people could recommend board, CPU and RAM?
System doesnt need to do much except the the following...
Handle webcam livechat with no probs,
DVI output
or AGP Support for Geforce 6800 which has DVI on it.
Enough PCI slots to allow TV Card and Wireless card
o/b sound
Some graphics processing but nothing out of the ordinary photo stuff
Have mostly used ASUS before but currently on an aging soltek board.
Not bothered either way with AMD or Intel.
I think i'm on DDR2 at the moment but will probably buy new and fit 2GB.
Not looking to break the bank on this one....budget to mid range is about all i want to pay.
Any advice appreciated.

Am looking to overhaul my PC. Wondered if people could recommend board, CPU and RAM?
System doesnt need to do much except the the following...
Handle webcam livechat with no probs,
DVI output
or AGP Support for Geforce 6800 which has DVI on it.
Enough PCI slots to allow TV Card and Wireless card
o/b sound
Some graphics processing but nothing out of the ordinary photo stuff
Have mostly used ASUS before but currently on an aging soltek board.
Not bothered either way with AMD or Intel.
I think i'm on DDR2 at the moment but will probably buy new and fit 2GB.
Not looking to break the bank on this one....budget to mid range is about all i want to pay.
Any advice appreciated.