PC or Console !!??


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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I recently posted a thread to upgrade my PC so that i can play Battlefield 2. I have an X box !! so why do people play games on a PC ??

Which is better PC or Console for games???

We`ll theres no bread , let them eat cake !!
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because first person shooters, rpg s and the like are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better on pc to be honest :P

racing games on consoles are the biz though
I have both and I like both :)

The thing I prefer about consoles (I've got an Xbox) is that they are less anti-social :thumb:
Rush said:
Which is better PC or Console for games???

The PC still is the primary design tool for all games and sets the benchmark for graphics and power, however, consoles have improved a great deal in the last couple of years, especially in the processing and graphics departments. I guess a lot of it comes down to preferences, so here's my quick guess at the two schools...which one are you in?

If you...
...prefer to lounge on the sofa while gaming
...don't mind paying more for games
...can put up with very good graphics as opposed to superb ones
...hate mouse and keyboard control
...not really into competetive FPS games
...can't afford a PC
...don't have need for everything else a PC can do, then...

...you should get a console

On the other hand, if you...
...want to survive in an online FPS game
...want superior graphics
...like to sit up when you play
...love keyboard and mouse control, or joypad, or joystick, or any other controller
...like to know that if you can play the latest games, your rig can handle anything else it will need to
...like to pick up the latest games very cheaply
...like to play on a machine that every game is conceived on
...like to self-build and maintain your rig
...like to brag about your rig in PCReview, then...

...you should get a PC

My brain can't compute the fact that to move someone on a console I have to use L1, left d pad and right stick or whatever the hell it's called. I just get annoyed, gimme a mouse and keyboard any day! :D
Rush said:
Less anti-social ...please elaborate ?

Well, when you're sat at your PC playing a game, no-one else can join in (easily). Having a few people round for drinks and console games is fun, and infinitely more social :)

Having said that, I still do like playing PC games - I guess it just depends on the game. Like most others, I prefer FPSs on a PC
On a saturday with my boys the latter ..on a monday on my own the former ..
so close ...still no clearer

I suppose with a PC you r at the forefront of technology and that evolves faster than say a once yearly PS or Xbox ..
or am i wrong ??
Seeing as the Xbox360 and PS3 are capable of similar graphics to a £1500 PC, things are going to be a little different to how they have been. Granted, first person shooters, strategy games and RPG's are better on PC, but I believe both Sony and Microsoft are planning USB2 ports for the new consoles - making Keyboards, mice, and any other accessory easy to attach and support. Considering they'll both fully support broadband gaming/internet access... all they'd need to do is release a Word processor and Printer and they'd have most people converted. Why should we spend £1500 on a PC, when we could just buy a £250 console and a brilliant monitor and sound system to go with it?

Also, Nvidia and ATI are providing the graphics for the two consoles. Seeing as Sony and Microsoft can sell hardware dirt cheap and then confidently make the money back with PC sales.... I think consoles may have fully eclipsed PC gaming by 2010.
Each option has its plus and minus points, and it's really down to personal preference. You cant really say that one specific platform is better than another.

For example, as a gamer, I'd hate to be PS2-less and miss out on games such as Ico, Amplitude, and Rez. But of course, I'd hate to be without my PC and miss out on the likes of Football Manager 2006, and Civilization IV.

But then, I've got every major option you can go for, and receive roughly 90% of gaming releases worldwide so I'm a bit of an anomaly :cool:
yes but computers are upgradable as you all should know!

computers will continue to get better and better graphics, functions, performance and value.

a ps3 will be a ps3 for the next 10 years, whereas a computer will be 100x better
Yeah, A PC is upgradable, but when a 300 quid console overshadows the gaming capability of a £1500 PC, and a new console is released every 3-5 years... I just think people will prefer to get HDTV's and not waste the time fiddling around and getting unique errors.

Obviously a PC can do other things a console will never do. But in terms of GAMING, the two things that makes a PC better than any current console are the setup/design of a PC (Screen, keyboard, etc) and the POWER. The simple fact of the matter is that as far as gaming is concerned, the PC no longer has these individual strengths to boast.

I guess it all comes down to the power of the graphics cards of next few years, and how cheap they are. But considering Nvidia and ATI are on Microsoft and Sony's side, they don't really have anything to loose if everyone switches to consoles. Like I said, Sony/microsoft can sell hardware for less than it is worth and then confidently make the money back in software sales. Component manufacturers cant.
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Tomsega and Potguy both make good points, tho I don't agree that any console can generate the equivalent of a £1500 pc (Not quite yet, but very soon undoubtably). I reckon consoles will evolve even more quickly and their adaptation to mouse and keyboard will open up a whole new generation of FPS'ers, previously PC-dedicated.

The worst thing to be IMHO is someone who simply refuses to acknowledge one platform over another because of some 'snobbery' about which has been best in the past. Sure, PC is THE gamers platform at the moment, but consoles are advancing fast and I don't doubt that consoles will become the gamer's default platform very soon.

I don't know what everyone else thinks (obviously) but I personally am not dedicated to any specific platform. I enjoy building my own PC and believe that for now it offers the best gaming experience, but as soon as I see a console do better I will be happy to switch.
exactly - the ps3 must be future proof (if that is possible at the moment) and/or easily upgradable for them to expect it to last 10 years
floppybootstomp said:
mouse & keyboard

nuff said :)

I had a mouse and keyboard for my Sega Dreamcast, and I loved playing Railroad tycoon and Quake 3 online. All it would take is a *tiny* bit of advertising from Microsoft and Sony for their consoles to be seen as something you would get a desk for....But then again having a 'real' PC makes you feel so much better.

Maybe it is PC users that should start getting decent control-pads! I mean, playing Quake with a controller is no different from playing Pro Evo with a keyboard - Pants.
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