PC + Mac router

Sep 17, 2005
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Anyone know of any wired/wireless router which is compatable with both pc and mac? My sister has an ibook upstairs and its annoying as she keeps unplugging the internet.

It will be mainly for sharing internet connection, not sharing files, and tbh i dont have a clue about routers :P
3rd attempt to reply...

Any router that is compatible with yoru cable/dsl modem will work fine.

Linksys, and dlink are genrally availabell pretty cheap on ebay now, since everyone is going wireless, the cabled ones are plentiful.

Had a short explanation of how it all works, but the redirect ont eh reply keeps wiping it out,
tjm4fun is correct, any wireless router should be compatible. You have to manually set the ip address for the mac to something with in range of the router. In the case of a Linksys router I beleive it must be something like this

Connect the router to your Mac via Ethernet.
Open up the ‘Network’ panel in the Mac’s System Preferences and plug-in the following specs:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
ok thanks guys :D
i won't be buying it yet, but will probably get one along with new pc + internet connection at christmas, and considering i dont really know anything about internet either i will probably be hounding here again in a while :)