I would like an opinion on Pc Inspector File recovery-- uses, etc. Thanks.
Byte said:Very good, its rated 4 out of 5 stars. I tried it on several files and it
to my satisfaction. In addition, its FREE.
Colin Barnhorst said:Have you used the Lite 6.0 Individual Edition?
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:No, Colin, I haven't.. I had two hard drive failures
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Colin Barnhorst said:Have you used the Lite 6.0 Individual Edition?
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:I used it to recover a lost drive.. it did a reasonable job, but MP3
recovery resulted in some interesting medleys.. I still ended up using
Ontracks Easy Recovery Pro..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Thanks for the feedback.
Very good, its rated 4 out of 5 stars. I tried it on several files
and it
to my satisfaction. In addition, its FREE.
I would like an opinion on Pc Inspector File recovery-- uses, etc.
Colin Barnhorst said:I have lost two Maxtors this last month. One ATA one SATA. Maxtor's RMA
proceedures are a breeze. One serial number and failure code from the
diagnostics and a new hard drive is on the way. I'm wondering if OnTrack
Lite is strong enough for data recovery in such situations. I had my stuff
backed up, so nothing more than inconvenience, but I don't trust my
diligence. It has me thinking.
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:No, Colin, I haven't.. I had two hard drive failures
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Colin Barnhorst said:Have you used the Lite 6.0 Individual Edition?
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
I used it to recover a lost drive.. it did a reasonable job, but MP3
recovery resulted in some interesting medleys.. I still ended up using
Ontracks Easy Recovery Pro..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Thanks for the feedback.
Very good, its rated 4 out of 5 stars. I tried it on several files
and it
to my satisfaction. In addition, its FREE.
I would like an opinion on Pc Inspector File recovery-- uses, etc.
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:Colin
Apologies for my post.. I lost the first before completion (now found) and
my second more informative post has disappeared..
Ontrack products promise a whole lot, and so far I have been lucky..
I use a two drive system.. all files generated/downloaded by me are on a
separate drive.. Easy Recovery Pro is installed on C which is fully
recoverable from original installation media.. this is a good thing
because the program can't be used to recover files on the drive where it
is installed.. it has to be on a drive that it is not recovering, and
because of the way my computer is set up and organised, this works well
for me.. also, clients drives can be installed as temporary slaves, and I
can recover the contents..
Easy Recovery Pro has gotten 99% of files back so far.. unfortunately,
there is no guarantee that it will always be that way, and $500 is a lot
to pay for a maybe, but as clients of mine flatly refuse to make any kind
of backup plan, it is a necessary evil..
The Lite version will only recover 25 files per session, so if there is a
major failure, more than one pass has to be made.. depending upon the
general condition of the drive, one may not get more than one pass.. if a
backup plan is in place, then Easy Recovery Lite is a good deal.. it will
find all of the files that its big brother does, and hopefully there are
not too many additions since the last backup.. the only question is
whether the additions are worth $90.. over time, they could well be worth
With both of the above, it is possible to create a floppy which can be
used to boot and recover.. I have never used this function, so can't
comment on success rate or how it works..
PC Inspector is free.. no, it doesn't find as many files, and as stated,
it produced some weird medleys with some of my MP3 files.. JPGs and BMPs
were recovered with no problem at all, but recovery was only 50% with MS
Word files.. all local e-mail was beyond the scope of PC Inspector..
Having said that, for somebody that uses a computer to store holiday pics
and uses a web based e-mail service, PC Inspector is the best deal of
Re. Maxtor drives!!!!!.. quality control has obviously been traded off for
company dividends.. I have had two go down in quick succession.. I joined
a forum where others had problems (Hardware Analysis).. apparently, there
is a problem with the firmware.. Maxtor can supply it but are slow to
respond, if at all.. some Maxtor firmware is available from a Russian
site, but I don't read or understand Russian at any level..
I ran tests on mine (firmware was latest level), and both tested as ok..
yeah right.. two failures in three days.. I couldn't generate an RMA #, so
resorted to 'writing 0's', repartition and reformat.. a quick reload, and
all has been well since..
Maxtor drives run very hot.. mounting multiple Maxtor drives close
together is not a good idea.. I don't know if heat can affect the
electronics such that the firmware rolls over and dies, but there is no
doubt that some Maxtor failures are down to heat generation.. I now leave
a CD sized gap between them..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Colin Barnhorst said:I have lost two Maxtors this last month. One ATA one SATA. Maxtor's RMA
proceedures are a breeze. One serial number and failure code from the
diagnostics and a new hard drive is on the way. I'm wondering if OnTrack
Lite is strong enough for data recovery in such situations. I had my
stuff backed up, so nothing more than inconvenience, but I don't trust my
diligence. It has me thinking.
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:No, Colin, I haven't.. I had two hard drive failures
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Have you used the Lite 6.0 Individual Edition?
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
I used it to recover a lost drive.. it did a reasonable job, but MP3
recovery resulted in some interesting medleys.. I still ended up using
Ontracks Easy Recovery Pro..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Thanks for the feedback.
Very good, its rated 4 out of 5 stars. I tried it on several files
and it
to my satisfaction. In addition, its FREE.
I would like an opinion on Pc Inspector File recovery-- uses, etc.
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:Colin
Apologies for my post.. I lost the first before completion (now found) and
my second more informative post has disappeared..
Ontrack products promise a whole lot, and so far I have been lucky..
I use a two drive system.. all files generated/downloaded by me are on a
separate drive.. Easy Recovery Pro is installed on C which is fully
recoverable from original installation media.. this is a good thing
because the program can't be used to recover files on the drive where it
is installed.. it has to be on a drive that it is not recovering, and
because of the way my computer is set up and organised, this works well
for me.. also, clients drives can be installed as temporary slaves, and I
can recover the contents..
Easy Recovery Pro has gotten 99% of files back so far.. unfortunately,
there is no guarantee that it will always be that way, and $500 is a lot
to pay for a maybe, but as clients of mine flatly refuse to make any kind
of backup plan, it is a necessary evil..
The Lite version will only recover 25 files per session, so if there is a
major failure, more than one pass has to be made.. depending upon the
general condition of the drive, one may not get more than one pass.. if a
backup plan is in place, then Easy Recovery Lite is a good deal.. it will
find all of the files that its big brother does, and hopefully there are
not too many additions since the last backup.. the only question is
whether the additions are worth $90.. over time, they could well be worth
With both of the above, it is possible to create a floppy which can be
used to boot and recover.. I have never used this function, so can't
comment on success rate or how it works..
PC Inspector is free.. no, it doesn't find as many files, and as stated,
it produced some weird medleys with some of my MP3 files.. JPGs and BMPs
were recovered with no problem at all, but recovery was only 50% with MS
Word files.. all local e-mail was beyond the scope of PC Inspector..
Having said that, for somebody that uses a computer to store holiday pics
and uses a web based e-mail service, PC Inspector is the best deal of
Re. Maxtor drives!!!!!.. quality control has obviously been traded off for
company dividends.. I have had two go down in quick succession.. I joined
a forum where others had problems (Hardware Analysis).. apparently, there
is a problem with the firmware.. Maxtor can supply it but are slow to
respond, if at all.. some Maxtor firmware is available from a Russian
site, but I don't read or understand Russian at any level..
I ran tests on mine (firmware was latest level), and both tested as ok..
yeah right.. two failures in three days.. I couldn't generate an RMA #, so
resorted to 'writing 0's', repartition and reformat.. a quick reload, and
all has been well since..
Maxtor drives run very hot.. mounting multiple Maxtor drives close
together is not a good idea.. I don't know if heat can affect the
electronics such that the firmware rolls over and dies, but there is no
doubt that some Maxtor failures are down to heat generation.. I now leave
a CD sized gap between them..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Colin Barnhorst said:I have lost two Maxtors this last month. One ATA one SATA. Maxtor's RMA
proceedures are a breeze. One serial number and failure code from the
diagnostics and a new hard drive is on the way. I'm wondering if OnTrack
Lite is strong enough for data recovery in such situations. I had my
stuff backed up, so nothing more than inconvenience, but I don't trust my
diligence. It has me thinking.
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:No, Colin, I haven't.. I had two hard drive failures
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Have you used the Lite 6.0 Individual Edition?
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
I used it to recover a lost drive.. it did a reasonable job, but MP3
recovery resulted in some interesting medleys.. I still ended up using
Ontracks Easy Recovery Pro..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Thanks for the feedback.
Very good, its rated 4 out of 5 stars. I tried it on several files
and it
to my satisfaction. In addition, its FREE.
I would like an opinion on Pc Inspector File recovery-- uses, etc.