PC hell

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I recently built a PC with the following new componants I purchase
from Newegg and ZipZoomFly. Antec Sonata II Quiet Case, 450w powe
supply, Amd Athlon 64 3700+ CPU 939, Asus A8N5X mb, 1Gb Kingston ram
(2x512) and WD 120gb HD with a BFG Nvidia 7600GT 256M videocard. Th
history of this is I originally bought all new parts except the m
which was refurbished. Upon completion I had no video. I sent th
mb back and replaced it with a new one, same kind. Had video but i
would shut down when running a game. I tried 3 other video card
with the same result. I replaced the mb with an Abit board SL
board. Still getting the same problem. I took the system to a P
store and they tested everything and couldn't find the problem. Th
problem specifically goes like this, when I start a game, it load
and starts, then about 1-2 minutes, it either freezes and won
respond, or will go to the blue screen for a second and reboot th
system. I thought this sounds like overheating but the running temp
are fine. Could there be a problem with the power supply
I recently built a PC with the following new componants I purchased
from Newegg and ZipZoomFly.  Antec Sonata II Quiet Case, 450w power
supply, Amd Athlon 64 3700+ CPU 939, Asus A8N5X mb, 1Gb Kingston ram,
(2x512) and WD 120gb HD with a BFG Nvidia 7600GT 256M videocard.  The
history of this is I originally bought all new parts except the mb
which was refurbished.  Upon completion I had no video.  I sent the
mb back and replaced it with a new one, same kind.  Had video but it
would shut down when running a game.  I tried 3 other video cards
with the same result.  I replaced the mb with an Abit board SLI
board.  Still getting the same problem.  I took the system to a PC
store and they tested everything and couldn't find the problem.  The
problem specifically goes like this, when I start a game, it loads
and starts, then about 1-2 minutes, it either freezes and wont
respond, or will go to the blue screen for a second and reboot the
system.  I thought this sounds like overheating but the running temps
are fine.  Could there be a problem with the power supply?

Test the memory with memtest86+ from www.memtest.org .
You could have bad memory.

Are the two sticks of memory in the two blue slots,
or the two black slots ?

I would suspect the memory also. You didn't specify what Kingston RAM, but
aside from being faulty, it could also be the default BIOS voltage (probably
2.5V) isn't quite enough for stability. Check the Kingston website for
operating voltage range, and if you're at the low end, increase it (my
Mushkin PC3500 is running at 2.7V vs the 2.5V default and it made a huge

If it is faulty RAM and you are using Kingstons "value" line, RMA it and try
a different brand - I'd advise staying away from anyone's Value RAM and get
higher performance stuff if you are a gamer.

Fitz said:
I would suspect the memory also. You didn't specify what Kingston
RAM, but aside from being faulty, it could also be the default
BIOS voltage (probably 2.5V) isn't quite enough for stability.
Check the Kingston website for operating voltage range, and if
you're at the low end, increase it (my Mushkin PC3500 is running
at 2.7V vs the 2.5V default and it made a huge difference).

I think running hardware at the manufacturer's suggested voltages is
a good idea.
If it is faulty RAM and you are using Kingstons "value" line, RMA
it and try a different brand - I'd advise staying away from
anyone's Value RAM and get higher performance stuff if you are a

I've used Kingston value RAM and Corsair value RAM for gaming and
it's done just fine. I haven't used anything else in over five years
of heavy PC use. Adding a cheap line conditioner, voltage regulator
solved spontaneous reboot problems.
I think running hardware at the manufacturer's suggested voltages is a good

So do I- that's why when I called Mushkin and they advised to up the DDR
voltage, I did so. Just because the mobo has a default setting, that doesn't
mean it is optimal for all manufacturers hardware.

PCTrouble said:
I recently built a PC with the following new componants I purchased
from Newegg and ZipZoomFly. Antec Sonata II Quiet Case, 450w power
supply, Amd Athlon 64 3700+ CPU 939, Asus A8N5X mb, 1Gb Kingston ram,
(2x512) and WD 120gb HD with a BFG Nvidia 7600GT 256M videocard. The
history of this is I originally bought all new parts except the mb
which was refurbished. Upon completion I had no video. I sent the
mb back and replaced it with a new one, same kind. Had video but it
would shut down when running a game. I tried 3 other video cards
with the same result. I replaced the mb with an Abit board SLI
board. Still getting the same problem. I took the system to a PC
store and they tested everything and couldn't find the problem. The
problem specifically goes like this, when I start a game, it loads
and starts, then about 1-2 minutes, it either freezes and wont
respond, or will go to the blue screen for a second and reboot the
system. I thought this sounds like overheating but the running temps
are fine. Could there be a problem with the power supply?

Yes. It's very likely, in fact. Make sure your power supply has AT LEAST
26A available on the 12V rail (s), and that it is a good name brand. Antec
is usually OK, but not all Antec cases come with an Antec power supply!
(gotta watch out for that) -Dave
Ok, I tried hooking up another power supply and its still doing the
same thing. I checked the memory and it was fine. Even though this
is a new pc, it has been hooked up to the internet. Would the
blaster worm cause this kind of havoc?
Even though the memory checks out, I would try removing one stick and see if
that makes a difference. You might also try turning off Fastwrites in the

If you haven't done so, try giving BFG a call. They have good tech support
(free) and may have some suggestions.

I tried the one memory stick, and tried swapping my memory wit
another kind, still no help. Also, when I called BFG, they just ha
me uninstall and reinstall the drivers a few times, and tried olde
drivers, none worked. They said I could send back the video card fo
a replacement, but I've tried 3 cards already and all were the sam
problem. PC freezes and reboots. I'm going to try wiping the hd an
reinstalling the OS and SP2 before connecting to the internet
I just read my last post and thought it sounded a little smart assy.
I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to thank you for the hel
so far. If it still wont work after I reinstall the OS, I may hav
to launch it off the balcony. :mad
Launching a PC from heights is not as entertaining as it sounds. I recommend
shooting it- there's some definite satisfaction there.

Did you turn off Fastwrites in the BIOS?

As a way to try to narrow your search for the problem, you could try
relaxing your memory settings, or even underclock the computer a bit a see
it that eliminates the problem. Not a fix, but it would give you an idea of
where the trouble may be. Have you checked the mobo website for BIOS updates
and what fixes they include. Also check the FAQs for the board and see if
others have had the problem and posted a fix.

Have you tried removing everything except the hard drive, memory and video

So do I- that's why when I called Mushkin and they advised to up the DDR
voltage, I did so. Just because the mobo has a default setting, that doesn't
mean it is optimal for all manufacturers hardware.

I have my RAM voltage set high because everything seems to run a
little smoother that way.

I wonder if this guy's problem is caused by sagging voltages when he
puts a load on his system.

Charlie Wilkes said:
I have my RAM voltage set high because everything seems to run a
little smoother that way.

I wonder if this guy's problem is caused by sagging voltages when
he puts a load on his system.

Time to fix it or get a new system. You wouldn't correct "sagging
voltages" by increasing the voltage settings.
I did try removing everything except the hard drive mem and video car
early on. That didn't really tell me anything. I haven't turned of
the fastwrites in the BIOS. I need to poke around in the BIOS to se
how to do that. I have also checked the mobo website and haven'
found anything even close to my issue. The weird thing is, I firs
tried an ASUS board and it did this, now I have an ABIT board and it
doing the same thing. I have tried the Nvidia 6800 GS, the 5500 and
Radeon 700 and now have the Nvidia 7600 but still get the same issue.
I tried another CPU also with the same problem. Its the damndes
thing myself and others have ever seen. I have tried running the P
at my house, my friends house, and the Computer repair shop, so
don't think its related to the electrical source. I left this at
PC repair shop for a week and they couldn't explain or fix it. I ra
a virus scan and it came up with nothing. I am not sure if wiping th
HD and reinstalling windows would help at this point
I don't think reinstalling Windows is going to have an effect. I think you
said you had already tried a different power supply also(?).

Turning off Fastwrites would be something I would definitely try.
Considering that you've tried numerous video cards, if turning off
Fastwrites doesn't help (and I think there is a good possibility it will),
then I would lean toward a power or a memory issue. Do you have a computer
(or a friend) with a different make of memory you could try?

Well actually, I did try different memory. The PC repair store put i
brand new ram to see if that was the problem and they said it didn'
I try turning off the fastwrites in the BIOS tonight and let you know