PC boots past POST & bleeps once & then either it just stays in limbo with the ASUS A8N-E logo and the option to press Delete to enter set up. (If you press Delete it hangs for upto 5 minutes before opening the BIOS info)
This page is displayed for anything from 1 to 30 minutes as if it is hanging?
Sometimes it will hang & then after 5 to 10 minutes it will start as normal?
Not sure if the PC is on it's way out as it's become very unstable recently.
Any ideas on how to fix the problem or is it terminal!
This page is displayed for anything from 1 to 30 minutes as if it is hanging?
Sometimes it will hang & then after 5 to 10 minutes it will start as normal?
Not sure if the PC is on it's way out as it's become very unstable recently.
Any ideas on how to fix the problem or is it terminal!