PC dying

Jan 14, 2006
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PC boots past POST & bleeps once & then either it just stays in limbo with the ASUS A8N-E logo and the option to press Delete to enter set up. (If you press Delete it hangs for upto 5 minutes before opening the BIOS info)

This page is displayed for anything from 1 to 30 minutes as if it is hanging?
Sometimes it will hang & then after 5 to 10 minutes it will start as normal?
Not sure if the PC is on it's way out as it's become very unstable recently.

Any ideas on how to fix the problem or is it terminal!

Tell us which bios you use.

Have you thought about doing a fresh install ??

It is worth trying a Linux Live CD as if that will load and play ok then that narrows down the fault considerably and quickly.

Award (Phoenix) is the BIOS.
It has always beeped as normal when starting up.
It's just it now hangs!

Hi Feckit

I would suggest you start testing your ram one at a time in the first slot on the board test each stick for 2hours or so. Download this testing tool http://www.memtest.org/#downiso

You say that the computer has been unstable for a while I take it by that you mean BSODS? If so can you remember what any of the error codes were? As this would help find out what the problem is. Have you reset the BIOS to defaults? Have you reset CMOS?
No BSOD at all, It just hangs when starting up etc.
Will test the memory.

I HATE working on my own PC!
Disconnect everything and just leave one stick of memory in place.

You now have just the cpu/motherboard/memory/graphics card/monitor/PSU/keyboard/mouse.

Run memtest on each stick of memory.

Assuming memory ok, burn yourself a live Linux CD, connect one optical drive and boot from the Linux CD.

Tell us how you get on after that.

Abarb meant what revision (number) BIOS you got, not what make ;)
It has already passed the CPU, Video & memory test if it gives you one beep, means all is well on POST :thumb:

Disconnect the HD, power & ribbon cable, reboot, let us know.
