Yesterday morning, my PC just stopped working.
All fans are rotating, so the board gets power, but the monitor doesn't get
a signal
and it doesn't start up with the usual boot-up sounds.
I tried changing the graphic card, both to another AGP one, and a PCI card,
without result.
Figuring the CPU could have died, I also changed that, but to no avail.
I de-connected all unneccessary cards abd drives, hoping that one of them
had short-circuited, but that didn't help either. Taking out the ram did
make a difference.
Now I believe that if it ws either problems with ram or harddrives, I would
at least se the bios, would only not a gfx/cpu failure give this type of
Or might it be the board which gave up? It has been running in a 30 C/86 F
environment for the last month's time, but that should not be a problem, as
had good air rotation in the cabinet.
All fans are rotating, so the board gets power, but the monitor doesn't get
a signal
and it doesn't start up with the usual boot-up sounds.
I tried changing the graphic card, both to another AGP one, and a PCI card,
without result.
Figuring the CPU could have died, I also changed that, but to no avail.
I de-connected all unneccessary cards abd drives, hoping that one of them
had short-circuited, but that didn't help either. Taking out the ram did
make a difference.
Now I believe that if it ws either problems with ram or harddrives, I would
at least se the bios, would only not a gfx/cpu failure give this type of
Or might it be the board which gave up? It has been running in a 30 C/86 F
environment for the last month's time, but that should not be a problem, as
had good air rotation in the cabinet.