Bob K
My XP PC died. I bought a new PC, Exchanged HD's, but XP will not
complete boot up, It gets to recognizing there is new hardware and asks:
"New hardware found, do you want to Install??" And " Do you want broadband
or Dial-up?"
The Old XP PC had PS/2 Keyboard & PS/2 mouse. New has USB Keyboard & mouse.
I would suspect that is at least the 'new hardware' found. I can't answer
the question as the new PC does not pass the input from USB input to the old
XP system.
IS THERE, a way to use the new PC's Windows 7 64bit home system to "Fix"
the XP system?? I.E. I have all the recovery files, but if I run the
recovery DISCs, It will kill my exitin Registry.
I have access to all the XP files, but - Windows 7 doesl not run many of my
older softweare products, or allow me to install drivers for my hardware!!
- I will need to dual boot to XP when I want those items. All I need is
to have XP accept the USB Keyboard & mouse to have it work.
complete boot up, It gets to recognizing there is new hardware and asks:
"New hardware found, do you want to Install??" And " Do you want broadband
or Dial-up?"
The Old XP PC had PS/2 Keyboard & PS/2 mouse. New has USB Keyboard & mouse.
I would suspect that is at least the 'new hardware' found. I can't answer
the question as the new PC does not pass the input from USB input to the old
XP system.
IS THERE, a way to use the new PC's Windows 7 64bit home system to "Fix"
the XP system?? I.E. I have all the recovery files, but if I run the
recovery DISCs, It will kill my exitin Registry.
I have access to all the XP files, but - Windows 7 doesl not run many of my
older softweare products, or allow me to install drivers for my hardware!!
- I will need to dual boot to XP when I want those items. All I need is
to have XP accept the USB Keyboard & mouse to have it work.