Hi d...ben
I've just been looking at some new PSU's
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI....EWA:IT&viewitem=&item=130063996276&rd=1&rd=1I think my model is discontinued, I've posted a question to one supplier'cause the mobo supply states 1x 20 & 24 pin mains connector so I waswondering if it would fit into my 20 pin connection considering thecomponents either side.
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j238/npilcs/20pinconnector.jpg--Regardsp.mc"databaseben" <
[email protected]> wrote in messagepost script:>> before you buy, do a little> homework and research the> mobo for the pc you are considering.>> like cars that look squeeky clean,> you could be buying a klunker...> "p.mc" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageHi All>>>> I was in the process of elimination by disconnecting everything but thep,s to the MOBO, with the exception of leaving the supply from the MOBO tothe CPU fan and tower fan.I was going put the hardware back in one at a time'till the fault showed, but alas the fault was there with only 2 fans on theMOBO (that's why I asked if I needed to put one of my HDD's in to boot up,and maybe then the fans would kick in) but anyway you didn't think it wasnecessary.>>>> I've had this machine for about 10 years and regularly dust and hover theparts inside (especially fans), I've had numerous HDD's and DVD/RW's overthe years and only recently replaced the CPU fan 'cause I lent my originalto a mate ''cause his broke and guess what? I had to buy a new one aftermany hints that I needed mine back. The PC has been switched on continuouslyfor most of them years and been a hard worker for me, but as you said thep,s fan didn't run also which leads me to believe that it is most likely tobe the p,s at fault.>>>> I suppose I've had my moneys worth out of the p,s, but it just goes toshow a good routine of cleaning must add a few years to the PC's life.>>>> I've just been googling for a new p,s. Do I have to buy the same model(FSP250-60GTV (PF), "to be safe") or can I buy a different model as long asit has the same connectors I need?>> If so any recommendations?>>>> -->>>> Regards>> p.mc>>>>>> "databaseben" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageYou took some pretty good>>> pics and your mobo is squeeky clean which>>> is a bit unusual.>>>>>> Alsok the label for the p,s, is a bit>>> faded which shows some of its age>>> even though everything looks clean>>> and new.>>>>>> However the mobo and>>> p.s. are a bit old and the new dvd>>> player may have been a burden on the system.>>> I didn't catch if you tried running the mobo>>> without the dvd player. But this is likely>>> a moot point now.>>>>>> Unfortunately, the only alternative to figure>>> out what exactly is the cause of the problem>>> you are having would be to break out>>> a multimeter and do voltage checks to see>>> where the power stops and starts>>> that supply the mobo and other hardware.>>>>>> But if the fan inside of the powersupply>>> doesnt kick in, regardless of the>>> other fans on the mobo, it is likely>>> your p.s. went out. Further if the mobo>>> were bad, the fan inside the p.s>>> would kick in anyways since a simple>>> on and off switch controls the p.s.>>>>>> Without the technical>>> know how, your only option>>> is to use the "process of elimination">>>>>> As suggested, get a new p.s. and keep>>> the receipt. if it fixes the problem>>> then you will have a wonderful trip>>> over the moon. if not you'll have a>>> wonderful trip back to the store.>>>>>> but before taking it back, let us know>>> what were your results...>>>>>>>>> "p.mc" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageHi databaseben>>>>>>>> As I wrote in my first post, I powered the MOBO with its 21 pin supply,and also the CPU and tower fans were connected to the MOBO, but on pressingthe power button the fans didn't kick in.>>>>>>>> I'd be over the moon if the power supply was the culprit, as you saidthe unit may not be fully functional.>>>> I'm tempted to buy a new P.Supply unit but knowing my luck it'll be theMOBO...

(>>>>>>>> I do have some mains testers that will show a 12v supply, but when Iblunderingly tried poking the 2 terminals into any of the connections of theHDD feeds and others (Whilst the board was powered) I only got a continuitylight but as I said I'm no expert and probably not using them properly!!>>>>>>>>>>>> -->>>>>>>> Regards>>>> p.mc>>>>>>>> "databaseben" <
[email protected]> wrote in messagedoes your powersupply>>>>> fan turn on / engage?>>>>>>>>>> if not, then the p.s.>>>>> is a reasonable and>>>>> likely cause of your problem.>>>>>>>>>> just because a little light>>>>> comes on, doesnt mean>>>>> the p.s. is fully functional.>>>>>>>>>> a bunch of wires and static>>>>> can induce electricity enough>>>>> for little lights to glow...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "p.mc" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageHi>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been getting the BSOD for the last couple of months and Ithought It may have been my DVD/RW drive, (sorry no info because of firstsentence) but a couple of days ago I was converting an .avi to .vob,(DVDsanta)...and when I went to check on it my PC was dead.>>>>>>>>>>>> The fuse in the kettle lead was ok so I opened up the tower and seenthat the light on the MOBO was on, so I took out my HDD's and disconnectedeverything except the 20 pin supply to the MOBO and tower and CPU fans, butto my dismay when I pushed the power button on my PC the fans didn't kick in(1...does there have to be a HDD with the OS installed for the fans towork?) So I'm under the impression that either the power supply is knackered(2...but why is the MOBO light on?) or The MOBO is knackered, but then againI'm no expert and was hoping some tech buff could help in solving my problem(3...could the power supply have failed but have enough power for the MOBOlight and nothing else??)>>>>>>>>>>>> I know the simple answer is to take it to a PC repair shop but I'drather save money "as we all do" if someone may help me solve this.>>>>>>>>>>>> MOBO: ASUS A7A266>>>>>> Power supply: FSP group inc>>>>>> Model #: FSP250-60GTV (PF)>>>>>> WinXP Home SP1>>>>>>>>>>>> A few piccys of the MOBO and Power supply>>>>>>>>>>>>
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j238/npilcs/P1023151.jpg>>>>>>>>>>>> "Thanks">>>>>>>>>>>> -->>>>>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> p.mc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>