Not sure if anyone has had this problem but here is what is happening to my
When i run 3D apps (namely 3D MAX) my PC is sweet and I have no probs.
However If I run photoshop or Fireworks (these a 2D graphic apps) the
machine completely freezes and I got to reset, no worning and no record of
anything in the event viewer.
The PC is 2 1/2 yrs old and here is the spec:
1GB Ram
ABIT vp6 Mo Board
W2K (+SP4)
Now this problem only started about 2 months ago, (when my old gateway pc
died) & it seems to be getting worse. Before that time my Dual PC was rock
solid. As the 2 pc's were networked and I ran the scanner and zip of the old
gateway I needed to get them (scanner +zip) working on the Dual PC.
I installed an internal Zip, When installed it was not working correctly and
I posted a question and found out that they (intenal zip) does not like the
via chipset of the MoBo> help was at hand in the form of a patch, see below.
No problem had appeared at that time (maybe the prob was there alright but I
just hadnt used Photoshop)
When Installing the scanner I just had to change the port setting in the
Bios and it was working. Now any time I do something in photoshop the PC
completely freezes. This also happens in fireworks and I initially thought
the prob was related to that software, now that I see it happening in
photoshop it is a major prob and is driving me mad

So I am left with a PC that will work 3D applications but crashes when using
2D ones,
could it be bad Ram (bear in mind that my pc was great for over 2 years with
no probs, does Ram go bad.
Photoshop settings use the D drive for the scratch disks (7GB free) so it s
not a settings issue
I have uninstalled (physically) the zip but it still crashes,
I have set the bios to defaults
Appreciate any help, I'll check back tomorrow (Sunday) as I need a few pints
to clear my head after being at this all day

thanks a mill
This readme file is used to provide the information for installation,
Enable/Disable DMA and Uninstall "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Driver".
The VIA Bus Master IDE controller is a high performance Bus Master PCI
IDE controller. This "VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Driver" distribution floppy
is used to utilize the DMA operation of your Hard disk/CD-ROMs drives in
order to release the I/O loading from the CPU. You could refer to the
related section to install the driver individually.
blah blah blah