Christopher Rawlison
Hey, odd question here.
I have a system with the following hardware:
Motherboard: DFI NF-II Ultra-AL
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2100+ (Palomino core - 133MHz, 13x multiplier)
RAM: Kinsgston ValueRam 512mb, DDR333
Now here's where it gets odd.
The computer boots fine with the FSB at 100mhz, 13x multiplier, 66mhz
AGP bus, memory at 166mhz. This essentially gives me an Athlon XP
1500+. Motherboard reports a CPU temp of 49-50 Celsius.
When I change the FSB to 133mhz however, the motherboard reports a CPU
temp of about 55 Celsius. Windows crashes mid boot. I'll get through
the POST stuff fine, but Windows takes a dump.
Now I know this CPU works at 133FSB as in my old motherboard it was
fine. Unfortunately I broke off a cap swapping a PCI card so I had this
motherboard sitting around and did a fresh WinXP install. I don't
*need* it to run as a 2100, but its going to be the house NAT/file/print
server so I would like to have the extra speed if possible.
Any ideas why Windows it taking a dump at the higher FSB?
I have a system with the following hardware:
Motherboard: DFI NF-II Ultra-AL
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2100+ (Palomino core - 133MHz, 13x multiplier)
RAM: Kinsgston ValueRam 512mb, DDR333
Now here's where it gets odd.
The computer boots fine with the FSB at 100mhz, 13x multiplier, 66mhz
AGP bus, memory at 166mhz. This essentially gives me an Athlon XP
1500+. Motherboard reports a CPU temp of 49-50 Celsius.
When I change the FSB to 133mhz however, the motherboard reports a CPU
temp of about 55 Celsius. Windows crashes mid boot. I'll get through
the POST stuff fine, but Windows takes a dump.
Now I know this CPU works at 133FSB as in my old motherboard it was
fine. Unfortunately I broke off a cap swapping a PCI card so I had this
motherboard sitting around and did a fresh WinXP install. I don't
*need* it to run as a 2100, but its going to be the house NAT/file/print
server so I would like to have the extra speed if possible.
Any ideas why Windows it taking a dump at the higher FSB?