PC-cillin 2003 purchase...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rindler Sigurd
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Rindler Sigurd

I have a question regarding my antivirus software from Trend Micro. Mine has
expired and needs re-activation.
It's getting really hard to dig through the company's web site with so many
different versions. Besides, their support is very busy and doesn't respond
for days.

I have upgraded my OS to Windows XP and want "Trend Micro PC-cillin 2003".
I use 4 exchangeable drawer-type hard drives with different operating
systems in one computer. Can I use the same copy of PC-cillin since the same
computer is being used? Or do I need the 'overkill package' for 5 licenses

One more thing. I have seen various downloadable software packages (incl.
PC-cillin) at "SoftwareBoy" which is several $$ cheaper ($29.95) than buying
directly from Trend Micro. Does anybody know other online sources which
offer similar discounts?

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - FAST UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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Rindler said:
Short question: does it run in the background, checking all incoming
email and other downloads?

It runs in the background and checks incoming email. It does not check
downloads but does check them when opening them.

Set the reference file download for daily and disable the outbound signature