stefano lovi said:
how can i fix my comp.if a trojan horse js exception.t
JS Exception Exploit is, as the name suggests, a detection of
exploit code mostly used to change browser settings (hijack).
It has also been used in a worm, but most often it is just some
attempt at browser hijacking.
Information, and a link to the patch can be found here:
I couldn't find anything specific on the "t" suffix that you mentioned.
This may be a specific detection that only the AV program doing
the detecting can expand on.
i went into Trend-Micro(is a virus discovered) and it said called
5.58 win32/en (a ****.horse) may be i need the patch nobody
Sorry, I am unable to understand what is meant by the above.
Maybe some more information would help - like where in the
filesystem the malware was found, and the "exact" wording of
the alert.
The detection of an exploit's code is not an indication that you
are or were susceptible to the attack. It is only a detection of
an attempt to use an exploit.
....and online scans can be somewhat over-sensitive.
please i don't where i can crash my haed?
Perhaps a pillow? ;o)