Frank said:
Nonsense. It is a leak test. On running it you are presented with a
'disclaimer of liability' which you have to agree to before continuing.
It says this:
Disclaimer of Liability
I understand that in the course of this audit, Internet Security
Alliance's program, pcAudit™, will attempt to collect and transfer to
its server the following information: this computer's name or any
identification assigned, IP address, along with directories and file
names, a snapshot of this computer's screen and anything typed
(keystrokes) during this audit. Upon completion of audit, you will be
provided with a security evaluation showing the security status of this
All information or data collected during this audit program, will only
be available to you, and will be deleted automatically after about 5
minutes, unless deleted sooner.
Internet Security Alliance™ will use the collected information or data
only for the purpose of this audit program, so Internet Security
Alliance™ can generate an audit evaluation report about the security of
this computer.
I understand that information collected during this audit will not be
encrypted while in transit and can possibly be observed by a third party
during and after the audit.
On completion of the test you have the option to view the results. These
are presented on a web page (i just failed the test) and indeed show IP
address and some folder contents etc, just as was indicated at the
beginning of the test. At the bottom of the page is the option to delete
it; upon deletion you get a confirmation msg.
I think this app is perfectly clear and honest about its purpose.
Paranoid individuals who think all the disclaimers are lies should not
be running an app of this kind anyway.

The joke is usually on then though, since they are probably running a FW
that is vulnerable to the sort of thing that PC Audit exists to show.
PC Audit is not spyware.