PC/Audio hardware help needed

Nov 28, 2005
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Im putting together a sound system based around my computer but i dont know where to start as far as hardware goes. Im looking for some advice on what to do that will not send me into bankrupcy.

My computer (In my office) stores all my music on my hard drive, i want it to power 10 speakers (4 in my bedroom, 4 in my living room and 2 in my office next to my PC)

I already have a 5.1 surround sound system in my living room running off my TV, so instead of adding another 4 speakers into my living room i could use 4 of the 5.1 speakers (if this possible). I also already have 2 powered monitors which are next to my PC connected to my PC with a jack like you get on earphones.

The problem i have is how to power and control the speakers. I know the 2 powered monitors in my office are ok connected to the sound output on my motherboard, this is ok. Its the 8 other speakers that im struggling with. I was thinking of buying two 4 channel amplifiers and connecting them to my PC but here are my problems with this:

1. Which amplifiers can i buy, i cant find any places online, just keep coming across car audio amps. Can i use car audio amps??? i know they are 12v but will they work if i get a 240v-12v transformer??? (Im from the UK by the way hence 240v mains)

2. How do i hook an amplifier(s) to my PC? I dont have a sound card, i use the motherboard. Will i need a sound card and if so, can anyone recommend one?

3. How can i control the amplifiers from the PC. I know if i get Hi-Fi seperate amps they will probably come with remote controls but what if they dont and what about car amps? I really need to be able to control them from Windows XP (My current operating system). I need to control from Windows XP because the system im setting up will have my Monitor in my office, and 2 LCD tv's, one in the living room and one in my bedroom and i have a bluetooth keyboard/mouse so i will be able to surf the net, play games, control my music from any room.

So when ive got people round my house, having a party or something and i want the music coming out of my living room speakers but not in my bedroom, you will understand why it will be easier to turn an amp off from windows and not have to manually walk into the office upstairs and turn the amp off.

So thats basically what im needing help with. There is nowhere else i can get help except finding a nice forum online full of audio experts. Please take a bit of time to help me. I will really appreciate it.

Thank you

Marc (Derby, UK)
Ok, three locations:

1) Living room.
2) Bedroom
3) Office

Your PC is in your office and you have two powered monitors running from line out on your computer. If this setup is acceptable you're left with wanting to power four loudspeakers in both bedroom and living room.

I think the most practical solution would be an audio mixer with at least three line level inputs.

Plug the computer sound output into line in on the mixer.

Run three stereo screened audio cables to each location.

One will supply the two powered monitors.

Then the ideal solution would be to have two Hi Fi amps in living room and bedroom, both powering four loudspeakers.

That's the ideal solution.

You'd need:

1 x 3 channel mixer.
2 x audio amplifiers
8 x loudspeakers

You could just use a switching unit instead of a mixer, but then you'd be limited to one location at a time. A mixer would enable you to have music all over your home.

I don't think it's practical to try and incoporate the 5.1 speaker system into your setup, it would make things complicated.

But, you could just try taking one of the outputs from the mixer and connecting it to 5.1 system and see what it sounds like. You'll have a stereo signal going into six loudspeakers of course. If it's acceptable, get a 'Y' splitter lead and connect both TV output and computer (mixer) output into it.

You will only be able to use the TV or the computer at one time, they won't play audio together with that setup.

There's a good selection of loudspeakers, audio mixers and amplifiers at Richer Sounds.

It's likely the components won't cost as much as you think.

You'll also need a selection of connector leads, best work these out before you visit the shop.

I don't know of a way to control the sound from the computer but there may be a way, perhaps somebody else here knows. But if you placed the mixer local to your PC, you have 3 volume controls to hand to control each location.

And forget car amplifiers.
Thanks, thats just what i was looking for, never thought about using a mixer at all, although its manual control. Would love to have it to be controllable from inside windows.

Cheers for your help
No probs.

I noticed Richer Sounds don't do Disco mixers anymore.

Here's a good option that would do you, fair price as well at £90.00: Click this link

And make sure the amplifiers have outputs for two pairs of loudspeakers.
Ive decided that since im trying to keep costs down im only going to go for 2 speakers in each of my main rooms, which will make amp selections a hell of a lot easier.

What do you think to this mixer:


the one you linked too looks very complicated (too many knobs :-P)

So let me get this right.

Ive decided to get a sound card because im told it will be worth it. So connection from the Sound card is to the mixers line in? What cable is this? What does it look like? Do i need to look for specific sound cards with the right output? Any sound cards you can recommend?

Then there will be 3 wires out of the mixer. Two going to my 2 amps and one going to my powered monitors. How do the monitors and amps connect to the mixer? What wires? What do they look like?

These are my last questions i think

Really am very grateful

I've made a mistake :o

A mixer isn't the solution, that takes several inputs and gives one output.

What you need is the opposite. Don't know where my brain was at, sorry about that.

Have a look at the third item down [url=http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Sound_Cards_11.html[/url]]Here

(link didn't work. Click the link, then products >> components >> sound cards >> audio track)

I think that would do what you wanted and if it comes with suitable software, you could control the outputs from your PC. It says it has four analogue audio outputs, you only need three but that would suit your needs.

Another option is This one. (pic attached)

It has three audio outputs (3 sets of phono sockets/rca sockets). Has good software as well, though a little pricey.

Click on my link, then detailed specifications, details and you'll see the pictures of software and connections.

Before you make a decision though, you'll have to research those devices to make sure they do exactly want you want.

I've a feeling that second one I've linked to is exactly what you were after in the first place.

As for a sound card, on board sound is very good these days, but I don't know what motherboard you have.

I'd suggest trying the setup with onboard sound and if you're not happy, get a sound card, the Creative X-Fi Fatality series are very good.

The cables you'l need, assuming you used one of those devices I've linked to, would be, for your powered monitors, 3.5mm stereo jack plug to two x phono plugs, and for each amp a pair of phono plug x 2 to phono plug x 2.

As the leads will probably be quite long, you'll have to make them up yourself or get somebody to make them up for you. Don't skimp on the cable quality or you may suffer loss over a long distance.

Again, sorry if I led you astray, think I was having one of those moments or something ;)

If you have any more questions or would like further input from the other guys here, ask away.[/url]


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That external sound card thing looks exacly what i need.

Says on the AudioTrak website that 'MAYA EX7 is the premier external audio solution featuring a set of 8 discrete RCA outputs'

And thanks to your attachment, i know i got an RCA cable with my monitors which i dont use so i know what they look like, and now i know what they're called. Does that mean Amps will connect to the EX7 via RCA cables?

So if i plug the EX7 into one of my USB slots - then the EX7 into amps - then the amp to speakers - then play my music in say Windows Media Player it will work. Seems strange how i can use USB as an output for sound.

I really have no idea if this will work, had a look on the website (http://www.audiotrak.net/mayaex7.htm) which says a lot but i dont know if it will work for what i want, maybe i should buy one and test it out, and send it back if it doesn't work

Cheers for your help