Pb with Special character <>

  • Thread starter Thread starter bbnimda
  • Start date Start date


Hi ,
I've custom task , and added function that create and send Html mail
including task body

My Pb is : when task body contain "<" in my my all what came afeter the
"<" is ignored

how can I solv this PB

You need to escape the reserved HTML character using correct HTML syntax.

In the case of those 2 characters you would use this:

< &lt;
Hello Ken,

the Pb is that when I put the Task Body in to the Mail Item Body I don't
know if there is "<" or ">" in the task body...... is there a way to keep
all the content of a text (here the task body) without interpreting the
content in a mail body,

Hope my question is comprehensive

If you're going to paste HTML into an Outlook item body it must be valid
HTML. You will need to do string processing on what's being pasted in before
you paste the string.

The "<" and ">" characters aren't the only ones that are going to be
problems for you and that must be escaped. You also will need to look out
for the quote character and the "&" character. Do a search on "escape html