Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5

  • Thread starter Thread starter CS ADNT
  • Start date Start date



I discovered that my site was not tracking correctly some browsers,
I first tried adding a section:
<system.web><browserCaps>....in my web config.

It was running but I get errors compiling the web application, the element
<filter> inside <browserCaps> is unknown ???
aThen reading more I discovered that <browserCaps> is obsolete and replaced
by .browser files and App_Browsers folder.

I the ttried to add an App_Browsers folder with inside files from Ocean


But here my site was unable to build any page, I get a strange error
occuring in
file unknown line 1

removing the App_Browsers folder solved the pb but I am style nable to track
crawlers and recent mobile equipments.

These browser files seem to be ok and used by many people, what could, be my
problem ?
Recent evolution dues to ASP.NET MVC ??

Thanks for help

!> I first tried adding a section:<system.web><browserCaps>....in my web config.

That's obsolete...as you later found out.

!> These browser files seem to be ok

They are...

!> what could be my problem ?

See :

Also, for a backgrounder, see :

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
¿ Estas probando VS 2010 y ASP.NET 4.0 ?
Regístrate (gratis) en los Foros de VS 2010 y ASP.NET 4.0, en español

I discovered that my site was not tracking correctly some browsers,
I first tried adding a section:
<system.web><browserCaps>....in my web config.

It was running but I get errors compiling the web application, the
element <filter> inside <browserCaps> is unknown ???
aThen reading more I discovered that <browserCaps> is obsolete and
replaced by .browser files and App_Browsers folder.

Yep. BrowserCaps, historically, was created by a third party. MS picked
it up for some time, but only BrowserHawk supported it for any length of
time. That was during the ASP days. Some of that initially came to
ASP.NET, but it is deprecated, nay obsolete (breaks things now), today.
I the ttried to add an App_Browsers folder with inside files from
Ocean site:


But here my site was unable to build any page, I get a strange error
occuring in
file unknown line 1

Wrong location, see below:
removing the App_Browsers folder solved the pb but I am style nable to
track crawlers and recent mobile equipments.

These browser files seem to be ok and used by many people, what could,
be my problem ?
Recent evolution dues to ASP.NET MVC ??


You need to create a devices folder under App_Browsers and put it there.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |
Thanks....but I get now this error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file
required to service this request. Please review the specific error details
below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The browser or gateway element with ID 'Safari' cannot
be found.

Source Error:

Line 22: -->
Line 23: <browsers>
Line 24: <browser refID="Safari">
Line 25: <controlAdapters>
Line 26: <!-- Force the Safari Browser to use the default one assigned
from Gecko Parent-->

Are you sure the files are ok, I copied

in a Devices folder under App_Browsers ????
This the last version I found on the site, and there is no possibility to
exchange with the author, but they are refrenced by different web source
(sometime with bad VS project samples which put them directly under
App_Browser and crash on start....

Thanks for help.
Many thanks but I have no another error, see my answer to Juan, upper.

This can be caused because .NET does not recognize the browser. Using a
ParentID will often solve the problem, but I am not convinced that is the
issue, per this:

There is a project that keeps up with browsers for ASP.NET that you might
wish to look at if you are still stuck. It uses, as near as I can tell, the
browscap.ini file:

You can read about other efforts here:

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |
Thanks for answer,

I have seen all this trying to solve my problem.
There is a lot of confusion in this important area, I can't understand why
Microsoft is not providing more infomation.
Each day new crawlers and explorers are generating errors on my site, I am
certainly not the only.
The only thing working is BrowserCaps in config.sys but it is marked as
obsolete since years and subject to colateral problems.

Confusion: for exemple, in the link http://snurl.com/rvb6c, in his sample
the chrome.browser is set directly under App_Browsers, and on my side I am
obliged to add a Drivers folder before putting the .browser file.
Seems that in 2007-2008 this intermediate folder was not necessary ? Is it
the reason why I get an error on the refid attribute?

Replacing refid by parentid seems incorrect as they have not the same
function ....

Concerning files from codeProject, they seem very old, there are no answer
to the various questions in this project since 2007, Chris Mauldner seems to
be on another subject.

And Owen brady has updated its files in the summer, they seem the best
uptodate work but they suffer from missing instructions on how to use them,
for exemple all the files are proposed as xxx.browser.xml, I renammed them
in xxx.browser ?
They all contain an xml header which is not present in .net standard
..browser files used by machine .config.

Is my error simply related to MS having replaced the files but not
recompiled them ?

And the Mobile.browser project on codeplex has no answers on questions

Again I would appreciate more clear directives from MS.

Thanks for answer,

I have seen all this trying to solve my problem.
There is a lot of confusion in this important area, I can't understand
why Microsoft is not providing more infomation.
Each day new crawlers and explorers are generating errors on my site,
I am certainly not the only.
The only thing working is BrowserCaps in config.sys but it is marked
as obsolete since years and subject to colateral problems.

It is, unfortunately, a never ending battle.
Confusion: for exemple, in the link http://snurl.com/rvb6c, in his
sample the chrome.browser is set directly under App_Browsers, and on
my side I am obliged to add a Drivers folder before putting the
.browser file. Seems that in 2007-2008 this intermediate folder was
not necessary ? Is it the reason why I get an error on the refid

Possible that it was not necessary (2.0 versus 3.5), but it could also be
that he missed the adding of the DLL to the project in his explanation.
Unfortunately, a lot of info on the web is incomplete.
Replacing refid by parentid seems incorrect as they have not the same
function ....

After more investigation, it appears this will not help with safari,
although it does help with some browsers.
Concerning files from codeProject, they seem very old, there are no
answer to the various questions in this project since 2007, Chris
Mauldner seems to be on another subject.

I aimed at that as it might give you some more answers on your issue, not
necessarily solve it.
And Owen brady has updated its files in the summer, they seem the best
uptodate work but they suffer from missing instructions on how to use
them, for exemple all the files are proposed as xxx.browser.xml, I
renammed them in xxx.browser ?
They all contain an xml header which is not present in .net standard
.browser files used by machine .config.

If I get a chance, i will look at this. I have not had huge issues (at
least that I know of) with browsers. I am also not very web 2.0 on the
projects I am working on now, which is where quite a bit of the issue can
occur. In addition, I have the CSS "grounded" in other ways (multiple
files, etc.), so CSS is not a major issue.

I guess I need to check the sites to see if there are browser errors,
however. I thank you for raising awarenes.
Is my error simply related to MS having replaced the files but not
recompiled them ?

I doubt that. Unfortunately, Microsoft is very good at pushing out new
technology, but not always at maintaining it. This is the reason
browserHawk was so successful in the ASP days (with the browscap.ini file).
Microsoft push out browscap, maintained for a short while, and then dumped
And the Mobile.browser project on codeplex has no answers on questions

Mobile browsers are so far out of people's awareness, at least for the most
part, that I am not sure you can find a good, definitive answer for solving
issues with mobile.
Again I would appreciate more clear directives from MS.

I would agree with you on this one, but much of MS's focus is on new stuff.
And, yes, that burns me from time to time. As a Microsoft MVP (which means
a person who is recognized for answering questions (or attempting to answer
questions?) not a Microsoft employee), I have often criticized the innovate
and drop approach. On the other hand, I understand it, as many of the new
technologies fail to incubate.

It is going to get better and worse. IE8 is more compliant than any other
IE version and it reacts more like Firefox. As these two are the major
jockies in the race, it will get better.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

| Think outside the box! |
Owen Brady has answered to my mail concerning the problem.
Here are its words
You are not the only one that hits this issue. It's a bug on how the files
are loaded, and the order in which they are loaded, which I have no control

Here is a link with some history of the bug.


May be it is simply a term of files names, as it is for css files in
App_Theme: loaded in the order of file names, no way to fix any other order
than having classified names for the server language !!!!!
I had no time but I will give a try, it cold be so funny...

Innovate and drop, your are right.

I know MS since their beginning in the heighties (getting old), evolution is
impressive but not always in the good direction....Innovate and drop is too
frequent these days.

Anyway thanks for answer, we feel less alone on MS land :)

I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a
gateway in the natves .net browsers files, this is to avoid according MS....
I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a
gateway in the natves .net browsers files, this is to avoid according
MS.... CS

You should blog your findings. I am sure they can help others.

peace and grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |
I'm experiencing the same issues you describe, and would be very interested in the solution that worked for you.

All the other work-arounds that I've found on various forums have not worked for me.

Thanks in advance for any help.


CS ADNT wrote:

I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a gateway

I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a
gateway in the natves .net browsers files, this is to avoid according MS....

"Gregory A. Beamer" <[email protected]> a ?crit dans le

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5

I discovered that my site was not tracking correctly some browsers,
I first tried adding a section:
<system.web><browserCaps>....in my web config.

It was running but I get errors compiling the web application, the element
<filter> inside <browserCaps> is unknown ???
aThen reading more I discovered that <browserCaps> is obsolete and replaced
by .browser files and App_Browsers folder.

I the ttried to add an App_Browsers folder with inside files from Ocean


But here my site was unable to build any page, I get a strange error
occuring in
file unknown line 1

removing the App_Browsers folder solved the pb but I am style nable to track
crawlers and recent mobile equipments.

These browser files seem to be ok and used by many people, what could, be my
problem ?
Recent evolution dues to ASP.NET MVC ??

Thanks for help


Re: Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5
!> I first tried adding a section:<system.web><browserCaps>....in my web config.

That's obsolete...as you later found out.

!> These browser files seem to be ok

They are...

!> what could be my problem ?

See :

Also, for a backgrounder, see :

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
? Estas probando VS 2010 y ASP.NET 4.0 ?
Reg?strate (gratis) en los Foros de VS 2010 y ASP.NET 4.0, en espa?ol

Re: Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5
Yep. BrowserCaps, historically, was created by a third party. MS picked
it up for some time, but only BrowserHawk supported it for any length of
time. That was during the ASP days. Some of that initially came to
ASP.NET, but it is deprecated, nay obsolete (breaks things now), today.

Wrong location, see below:


You need to create a devices folder under App_Browsers and put it there.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |

Thanks....but I get now this error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file
required to service this request. Please review the specific error details
below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The browser or gateway element with ID 'Safari' cannot
be found.

Source Error:

Line 22: -->
Line 23: <browsers>
Line 24: <browser refID="Safari">
Line 25: <controlAdapters>
Line 26: <!-- Force the Safari Browser to use the default one assigned
from Gecko Parent-->

Are you sure the files are ok, I copied

in a Devices folder under App_Browsers ????
This the last version I found on the site, and there is no possibility to
exchange with the author, but they are refrenced by different web source
(sometime with bad VS project samples which put them directly under
App_Browser and crash on start....

Thanks for help.

Many thanks but I have no another error, see my answer to Juan, upper.
Many thanks but I have no another error, see my answer to Juan, upper.

"Gregory A. Beamer" <[email protected]> a ?crit dans le

Re: Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5
(e-mail address removed):

This can be caused because .NET does not recognize the browser. Using a
ParentID will often solve the problem, but I am not convinced that is the
issue, per this:

There is a project that keeps up with browsers for ASP.NET that you might
wish to look at if you are still stuck. It uses, as near as I can tell, the
browscap.ini file:

You can read about other efforts here:

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |

Thanks for answer,I have seen all this trying to solve my problem.
Thanks for answer,

I have seen all this trying to solve my problem.
There is a lot of confusion in this important area, I cannot understand why
Microsoft is not providing more infomation.
Each day new crawlers and explorers are generating errors on my site, I am
certainly not the only.
The only thing working is BrowserCaps in config.sys but it is marked as
obsolete since years and subject to colateral problems.

Confusion: for exemple, in the link http://snurl.com/rvb6c, in his sample
the chrome.browser is set directly under App_Browsers, and on my side I am
obliged to add a Drivers folder before putting the .browser file.
Seems that in 2007-2008 this intermediate folder was not necessary ? Is it
the reason why I get an error on the refid attribute?

Replacing refid by parentid seems incorrect as they have not the same
function ....

Concerning files from codeProject, they seem very old, there are no answer
to the various questions in this project since 2007, Chris Mauldner seems to
be on another subject.

And Owen brady has updated its files in the summer, they seem the best
uptodate work but they suffer from missing instructions on how to use them,
for exemple all the files are proposed as xxx.browser.xml, I renammed them
in xxx.browser ?
They all contain an xml header which is not present in .net standard
..browser files used by machine .config.

Is my error simply related to MS having replaced the files but not
recompiled them ?

And the Mobile.browser project on codeplex has no answers on questions

Again I would appreciate more clear directives from MS.


"Gregory A. Beamer" <[email protected]> a ?crit dans le

Re: Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5
It is, unfortunately, a never ending battle.

Possible that it was not necessary (2.0 versus 3.5), but it could also be
that he missed the adding of the DLL to the project in his explanation.
Unfortunately, a lot of info on the web is incomplete.

After more investigation, it appears this will not help with safari,
although it does help with some browsers.

I aimed at that as it might give you some more answers on your issue, not
necessarily solve it.

If I get a chance, i will look at this. I have not had huge issues (at
least that I know of) with browsers. I am also not very web 2.0 on the
projects I am working on now, which is where quite a bit of the issue can
occur. In addition, I have the CSS "grounded" in other ways (multiple
files, etc.), so CSS is not a major issue.

I guess I need to check the sites to see if there are browser errors,
however. I thank you for raising awarenes.

I doubt that. Unfortunately, Microsoft is very good at pushing out new
technology, but not always at maintaining it. This is the reason
browserHawk was so successful in the ASP days (with the browscap.ini file).
Microsoft push out browscap, maintained for a short while, and then dumped

Mobile browsers are so far out of people's awareness, at least for the most
part, that I am not sure you can find a good, definitive answer for solving
issues with mobile.

I would agree with you on this one, but much of MS's focus is on new stuff.
And, yes, that burns me from time to time. As a Microsoft MVP (which means
a person who is recognized for answering questions (or attempting to answer
questions?) not a Microsoft employee), I have often criticized the innovate
and drop approach. On the other hand, I understand it, as many of the new
technologies fail to incubate.

It is going to get better and worse. IE8 is more compliant than any other
IE version and it reacts more like Firefox. As these two are the major
jockies in the race, it will get better.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

| Think outside the box! |

Owen Brady has answered to my mail concerning the problem.
Owen Brady has answered to my mail concerning the problem.
Here are its words
You are not the only one that hits this issue. it is a bug on how the files
are loaded, and the order in which they are loaded, which I have no control

Here is a link with some history of the bug.


May be it is simply a term of files names, as it is for css files in
App_Theme: loaded in the order of file names, no way to fix any other order
than having classified names for the server language !!!!!
I had no time but I will give a try, it cold be so funny...

Innovate and drop, your are right.

I know MS since their beginning in the heighties (getting old), evolution is
impressive but not always in the good direction....Innovate and drop is too
frequent these days.

Anyway thanks for answer, we feel less alone on MS land :)


"Gregory A. Beamer" <[email protected]> a ?crit dans le

I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a gateway
I finally have it working, one of the added browser was referencing a
gateway in the natves .net browsers files, this is to avoid according MS....

"Gregory A. Beamer" <[email protected]> a ?crit dans le

Re: Pb with App_Browsers in .net 3.5
You should blog your findings. I am sure they can help others.

peace and grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld
Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com

My vacation and childhood cancer awareness site:

| Think outside the box! |

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