Pay roll coding

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shetty
  • Start date Start date


Dear All,

I have written a simple pay roll software in ms access.
master data is in access,
i am able to generate the report for only only month
ie i am unable to store the record of previous month!
can any body guide me how i can store the data of previous months, and
access as and when required, or for reporting at the end of the year
wether I can create a seperate table for each month and consolidate via
querry when required
95% of the monthly record will be same for consecuive months, 5% variation
will be there due to loss of pay or resignation , joining etc
wether we can keep track of only changes, if yes how?

Please guide

ramesh shetty
You do not want multiple tables for the payperiods. All you need is a date
field that shows the pay date. Then you can use queries to see data by pay
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:06:40 +0530, "Shetty" <[email protected]>

Payroll is a non-trivial application. Your questions indicate that you
don't need help with a few finer points, but need to take a step back
and increase your overall knowledge of programming, database design,
and MsAccess before taking on such an ambitious (and already often
implemented and available from many vendors for a reasonable fee)
project. Try to walk before you try to run.

Thanks for reply
I am a beginer, and have only basic knowledge of programing
in my project, i have table for
employee master -record of all employees
pahead master -employee wise pay details

As i told there will be slight changes in the pay heads
like loss of pay
as of now i have not linked with attendence
will mark loss of pay ie leave without pay and salary is calculated
proportionatelty fro each pay head associated with that employee
Now please guide me I can proceed


ramesh shetty
thanks for advise

dear tom, i have tried some of available softwares
my project is bit complex, even it is related to budget etc
so i am using this software with excel, some of the records like, budget,
achievement are maintained, in excel, there is one pay head incentive, which
is based on budget sheet. there are quiet a few branches, and cost centres
invoved. mreover bugdet, crieteria for payment of incentive changes opten

so ready made softwares wont suit my requirement. so i have desided to
desing of my own.
I am using same set up since last 2 years. howeve i could generate/maintain
record for a particular month. record history like monthly pay sheet are
maintained in excel after exporting from here

now I am trying to develop a fulpledged data base, where i can save data of
previos month also

If you can give me some tips, i will be thankful to you

-ramesh shetty