Pay in euros, dollers(US)..Pounds.



I am currently creating a model, and all figures need to be in eithe
pounds, dollers(US) or euros, what is the easiest and quickest way t
obtain this, basicalyl i need something like a drop down so that th
user can click on any of the currencies so that the whole sheet change
to that particular currency chosen, regards

Ken Wright

One set of data on a source sheet, in whichever is your preferred currency.
Then another sheet with 3 different exchange rates (one of them being 1 for your
preferred currency), with all the cells linked to one of those cells dependent
on a choice you make somewhere on that sheet. You could for example link all
cells on Source Sheet to say cell B1 on your new sheet. Have your 3 exchange
rates in say B2,B3,B4 with the name of the currency in say A2,A3,A4, and then in
say A1, use Data / Validation / List and select A2:A4 as the source list. This
will give you a dropdown arrow in A1 to let you choose whichever currency you
prefer. In cell B1 have a formula such as =VLOOKUP(B1,A2:B4,2,0).

If your source currency was Dollars, and in say B3 you had 0.6 to represent
conversion of Dollars to Pounds, then by selecting British pounds from the
dropdown in A1, this would populate cell B1 with 0.6, and as long as all the
cells in your sheet were linked to their corresponding cell on the source sheet
and multiplied by cell B1 on this sheet, then they would all convert to the
right currency.

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