Pay for Email

Simple answer DON`T deal with them they want it all ways its a> RIP-OFF:rolleyes:
I read about this somewhere else, I think that any e-mail that can automatically pass spam filters does not sound good to me. What if unscrupulous companies pay the small fee and we end up receiving spam that is bearing a seal saying: "Legitimate" :confused:
... are the latest attempts by the companies to weed out unsolicited ads ...
Huh! by sending more ads ... pass that by me again, I don't quite understand. :confused:

In exchange for paying, e-mail senders will be guaranteed their messages won't be filtered and will bear a seal alerting recipients they're legitimate.
Nope, still don't understand ... isn't SPAMing illegal?

Listen AOHell & Yahoooooooo ... we don't want ANY SPAM, none, zilch, nada ... send ME any and I'll report you to my ISP ... :p

This does indeed sound like possibly one of the worst thought out plans by a company......ever!! Why would we want to pay to receive emails, and also receive more spam?!!

Am i reading this wrong or is that what's happening?!!

i think wot it means is that if the spammers want to get verified yahoo have to look @ em and if they notice that they are spammers they wont let the email through
WE don't pay anything ... spamers have to who want to become ligitimate.


ROFLMAO. Sorry, but who do they think is actually going to fall for that?

Unfortunately, I suppose, some people actually will.

But what a load of absolute rubbish. Spam is still spam, if yahoo & AOL want to be paid to let it through that just makes them accessories to the crime, and spamming is still a crime I believe.

And all that rubbish about businesses worried about losing legit email? Tell them to check their junk email box like the rest of us. Either way they're going to be spending a lot of time sorting through rubbish to find what they want... at leat if it's in a junk email box they can scan the rest of their email before they do the search instead of having to hunt through the junk to find ALL of their legit mail.
& if they're afraid that the images & the like are going to be 'auto-stripped' from presumed junk mail then frankly, why they h*ll have they got their business email account there in the first place?

I'd say that this has to be one of the most nonsenseical articles I've ever read... except that, since I keep the occasional eye on world politics, then obviously it isn't... but it comes close.